Gardening Home
Offers a collection of garden reference materials, including a plant gallery and profiles, archives of mailing lists, gardening news, and links.
Top: Home: Gardening
See Also:
- Top/Shopping/Home and Garden
- Top/Business/Agriculture and Forestry/Horticulture
- Top/Science/Biology/Botany
- Top/Recreation/Humor/Gardening
- Top/Business/Consumer Goods and Services/Home and Garden/Lawn and Garden
- Top/Science/Agriculture/Horticulture
- MyGardenGuide - Offers plant database with photos and summary information, questions and gardening answers on various garden topics, and a garden weblog.
- Garden Ideas - Articles and advice on a variety of gardening topics.
- - Offers a collection of garden reference materials, including a plant home gallery and profiles, archives of mailing lists, gardening news, and home links.
- LoveToKnow Garden - Short informational articles on gardening topics, vegetables, and ornamental plants, gardening contributed and edited by users.
- Pioneer Thinking: Gardening Center - Information and tips on outdoor and indoor gardening. Many articles grouped by topic.
- Exploratorium: Science Of Gardening - Features articles and videos on several topics, including gardening with nature, carnivorous plants, soils, fruits, and vegetables, propagation, and plant reproduction.
- Let's Go Gardening - General gardening site, with versions geared towards US gardening and UK gardeners. Tips and articles, informational resources, gardening links to events, societies, and public gardens, and gardening a forum.
- Garden Terms - Gardening dictionary with brief definitions of a large number of home terms, optionally arranged by category.
- Ohio State University PlantFacts - Collection of horticultural resources, including a search engine drawing from U.S. university factsheets, plant image database, how-to videos, illustrated FAQs, and glossary.
- - Lawn and garden resources for homeowners whose garden is not their hobby. Includes information and care data for many plants, shrubs, and trees, and dealing with pests and problems.
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