Filmmaking Arts Kids and Teens

Seeks to cultivate the visions and voices of an emerging generation using the big screen, the airwaves, and the world-wide-web.

    Top: Kids and Teens: Arts: Filmmaking

See Also:
  • First Light - Dedicated to inspiring the making of films by young people. Features information about productions, film process, distribution, and funding. Videos available online.
  • The Young Filmmakers Club - Targeted at boys and girls wanting to learn filmmaking or expand their video camera skills.
  • So You Wanna Make a Low-Budget Movie? - Article explains how to make a movie on filmmaking a small kids and teens budget, from pre-production to production and filmmaking post-production.
  • theoneminutesJr - View one-minute movies made by youth, or submit filmmaking your own.
  • Cinemania: The Movie Maker Game - Hollywood simulator for ten players in which movie bosses battle to get their films to the top of the charts. Free and easy to play.
  • BBC: Blast - Encourages 13-19 year olds throughout the UK to arts get into arts filmmaking.
  • Listen Up: Youth Media Network - Involves young people in the culture of free arts speech and social responsibility by teaching them to arts use various media.
  • Ultrabug Cliposcope - Make animated films and produce clips online - filmmaking just like the filmmakers at the National Film filmmaking Board of Canada. [requires membership]
  • ScenariosUSA - Provides a creative forum for teens to explore, express themselves, filmmaking and make healthy decisions about their lives. View student written filmmaking and produced films dealing with social issues.
  • Student Filmmakers - Resources for aspiring student film makers.
  • Tower of Youth - Young people explore new careers through creative non filmmaking profit and commercial projects in telecommunications, entertainment, arts filmmaking and media.
  • Spy Hop - Seeks to cultivate the visions and voices of an emerging kids and teens generation using the big screen, the airwaves, and the world-wide-web.
  • AnimAction - A workshop series that teaches students how to use animation arts as a tool to change the world.
  • Kid Filmmakers - Introduces kids to acting, animation, costuming, directing, editing, film critiquing, filmmaking film scoring, lighting and sound, makeup, producing, and screenwriting.

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