Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Learn what mental health is and how things like bullying and stress affect your feelings. Play games and puzzles. [Games require free Flash download.]

    Top: Kids and Teens: Health: Emotional Health and Wellbeing

  • Wanna Bet? - A magazine for kids about the dangers of emotional health and wellbeing gambling.
  • What Kids Who Are Moving Should Do - Moving isn\\'t easy for anyone. Scared, excited, and angry are just a few of the feelings kids may have about moving.
  • You Are a Special Person - Tips on how to enjoy relationships with family and friends.
  • Cyber Knowledge and Emotion - Take a ride on the E. Motion Express health and explore kids and teens your feelings through interactive stories and health games.
  • Nightmares - Tells what nightmares are, why people have them, emotional health and kids and teens wellbeing and what to do about them.
  • Caper - Includes a list of related reading material about kids and teens bullying, stress, and wellbeing.
  • Why Do We Get Nervous? - Explains why kids feel anxious sometimes and tells what a kids and teens phobia is.
  • Out on a Limb: A Guide to Getting Along - It\\'s not easy to get along. Help Maria and her friends solve their problems peacefully.
  • The Story on Self-esteem - Explains why self-esteem is so important, how kids health get it, emotional health and wellbeing and what kids who have low health self-esteem can do.
  • Teens and Therapy - Answers common questions that teenagers have about psychotherapy.
  • Embrace The Future - Young Australians\\' Mental Health and WellBeing program. Includes mental health health problems, youth issues, where to get help and upcoming events.
  • MindZone - Information on assessing personal strengths, learning to recognize emotional health and emotional health and wellbeing wellbeing warning signs, and facts about mental health disorders.
  • Talking About Your Feelings - Learn more about how to talk to parents kids and teens and other adults about how you feel about kids and teens things.
  • Helping Kids Grow - The kids and teens on George Street teach about handling emotional health and wellbeing bullies, making friends, moving to a new school, homework problems emotional health and wellbeing and respecting other people.
  • Dealing With Feelings - Confused, sad, mad, glad? Learn about these emotions kids and teens and how to deal with them.
  • Why Am I In Family Therapy? - Explains family therapy to children and teens.
  • Headroom: Cubby House - Learn what mental health is and how things health like bullying emotional health and wellbeing and stress affect your feelings. Play health games and puzzles. [Games emotional health and wellbeing require free Flash download.]
  • GravityTeen - Personal stories from teens about self-esteem, pregnancy, abortion, kids and teens and drugs. Includes inspirational thoughts and quotes.
  • Counselling - Learn what counselling does, what kinds of counsellors there are, emotional health and wellbeing why use a counsellor, and different types of counselling.
  • Self-esteem - Find out what high and low self-esteem look like. Learn emotional health and wellbeing how people get low self-esteem and what to do.
  • Adolescent Mental Health - Articles on peer pressure, self-esteem, bullying, and other aspects of health adolescence.
  • Psychotherapy - Encyclopedia.com article about what psychotherapy is.
  • What's Normal?: Overcoming Obstacles and Stereotypes - Companion to the PBS broadcast explores the meaning kids and teens of "normal" by introducing stories of teens who kids and teens live with social or physical challenges and work kids and teens to defy stereotypes.
  • Students - Information for youth on mental health, includes myths, health warning signs, stigma, FAQs, and how to get health involved. From the National Mental Health Awareness Campaign.
  • Moozie - Meet Moozie the Cow and learn about kindness. emotional health and wellbeing Play games and puzzles, color pages or share emotional health and wellbeing a picture, help Moozie write a story, and emotional health and wellbeing see pictures of the farm.
  • Going to a Psychologist, Psychiatrist, or Therapist - What\\'s it like to go to a psychologist, emotional health and wellbeing psychiatrist, or therapist? Learn why kids go and emotional health and wellbeing what kinds of things they do when they\\'re emotional health and wellbeing there.
  • What Kids Say About: Worrying - Find out what worry means and the top emotional health and wellbeing eight things kids ages 9 to 13 worry emotional health and wellbeing about.
  • Shyness - Are You Shy? - Learn what it is, how people become shy, health what it feels like, good things about being health shy, and how to become more confident.
  • YouthLine - Offers free and confidential information, advice and counselling to young kids and teens people under 25 in and around Bracknell, Berkshire, UK.
  • Welcoming a New Baby Into Your Family - Tells what to expect before the baby comes, who this kids and teens new person is, and when happens the baby comes home.
  • Headroom: Lounge - Find information on a range of mental health kids and teens emotional health and wellbeing issues, chat with other teenagers, and view the kids and teens emotional health and wellbeing photo gallery.
  • Headspace.org: Young People - Explains what mental health is, how to handle stress and health information on problems like depression, self-harming, and eating disorders. Includes health links to health agencies and Youthline in Auckland, New Zealand.

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