Higher Education Instructional Technology Education
Instructional Technology Research Online; includes a document repository, interviews, links, and a "who's who in instructional technology" section.
Top: Reference: Education: Instructional Technology: Higher Education
See Also:
- The Wired Professor - Companion web site to a book about technology instructional technology in college education.
- The Epiphany Project - Provided strategies and support to assist mainstream writing higher education faculty education with integrating technology into their classroom.
- EDUCAUSE Online Guide to Evaluating Information Technology on Campus - What to ask about information technology when choosing a college or university.
- Students' Perceptions of Technology in Learning - Presentation of survey results by Scott Siddall of higher education Denison University.
- Campus Technology - Monthly publication focusing on the use of technology higher education across instructional technology all areas of higher education.
- The Electronic Scholar - This site is devoted to the use of education high tech education tools, such as streaming video, to education study expert practice in education teaching and to generate education and disseminate scholarship.
- Study Aids for Visual Learners - In addition to a graphic organizer for online education course development, education there are visual outlines of learning education theory and links to education products and workshops for education advanced learning.
- Language and Technology: Computer Assisted Language Learning - esoltechnology.com is a comprehensive resource for ESL language instructors who are looking for effective ways to incorporate technology in their teaching.
- Web by Design - An educational resource including online tutorials; Web, instructional education design, and instructional technology nursing resources; and annotated links
- Using Spreadsheets to Keep Track of Students' Grades - Brief introduction to using Excel and other spreadsheets instructional technology for education managing students' grades and performing basic statistics.
- Yenza! - Using the Internet for research and teaching in instructional technology the education Social Sciences and Humanities.
- The Moderator's HomePage - Set of resources for moderators of online discussion in both instructional technology academic and non-academic settings.
- Educational Technology - Information for educators, researchers, graduates, students and self-learners
- FAST (Free Assessment Summary Tool) - Web-based assessment tool that allows students to higher education anonymously higher education submit feedback about their course and/or instructor.
- Engines for Education - A hyper-book written by Roger Schank and Chip education Cleary, what\\'s higher education wrong with the education system, how education to reform it, and higher education especially, about the role education of educational technology in that reform.
- InTRO - Instructional Technology Research Online; includes a document repository, higher education interviews, links, and a "who\'s who in instructional higher education technology" section.
- The Costs Project - Data on technology spending submitted for schools to education compare costs. education Participation is free. Features information, history, education participating schools, presentations, and education articles.
- Classtalk - Interactive teaching tool from Better Education, Inc. to education facilitate active education learning. Provides networked science classroom, education teacher\'s computer and students\' education calculators.
- TESOL Computer-Assisted Language Learning Interest Section - TESOL's special interest instructional technology group
- Edutech: Higher Education and New Technologies in Switzerland - Presents applications of New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) in teaching at Swiss universities and other institutions of higher education, specially \\'Swiss Virtual Campus\\'. It also serves as a meeting point for all persons and groups wor
- Online Collaborative Learning in Higher Education - Site devoted to world\\'s best practice in online collaborative learning in higher education, and related topics. Find links to online articles, books, journals, and other relevant information.
- Educational Uses of Networks - Collection of guidelines for using electronic communication in education the classroom.
- CALICO - The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium
- Students Perceptions of Distance Learning, Online Learning and the Traditional Classroom - Results of a study done at a medium higher education sized higher education state university which finds that distance learning higher education and on-line higher education learning technologies are perceived by students higher education as having some higher education benefits although they are not higher education necessarily knowledge-related. higher education related.
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