User Services Library and Information Science Libraries
Article from Salon Magazine theorizing that new technology in libraries is only more efficient if patrons can use it. Argues that the role of librarians now includes being teachers of technology.
Top: Reference: Libraries: Library and Information Science: User Services
- Falling Through the Net - Released July 8, 1999 by the US Department of Commerce, a series of three reports in the Falling Through the Net series on the telecommunications and information technology gap in the United States.
- MeL: Blind, Handicapped, and Disability Resources for Libraries - Links to disabilities documents, library services examples, and user services other user services resources, from the Michigan Electronic Library.
- Access, Internet, and Public Libraries - A report to the Santa Clara County Libraries. Studies the user services issues involved in providing access to the internet in public user services libraries. Discusses a variety of possible solutions, including filtering, restricted user services access, blocking software in children's rooms, tr
- Sell It With Sizzle - Librarian Rhonda K. Kitchens offers ideas, tip and user services hints library and information science for adult public library programs, events and user services outreach.
- Working with Campus Writing Centers: Opportunities for Cooperation - Details how academic libraries can work with campus user services writing libraries centers to improve service to patrons.
- Innovative Internet Applications in Libraries - A sampling of new and interesting uses of the Web by libraries.
- Are We Ready for the Library of the Future? - Article from Salon Magazine theorizing that new technology library and information user services science in libraries is only more efficient if patrons library and user services information science can use it. Argues that the role library user services and information science of librarians now includes being teachers of technology.
- NNLM - Consumer Health Manual - Guidance for librarians in building and evaluating consumer library and information science health materials for their libraries' collections.
MySQL - Cache Direct