Economic Development Business and Economy Lesotho Africa
The purpose of the Corporation is to initiate, promote and facilitate the development of manufacturing and processing industries, mining and commerce in a manner calculated to raise the level of income and employment in Lesotho.
Top: Regional: Africa: Lesotho: Business and Economy: Economic Development
See Also:
- Top/Regional/Africa/Business and Economy/Economic Development
- Top/Regional/Africa/Lesotho/Society and Culture/Aid and Development
- US Energy Information Administration - Lesotho - US EIA provides data, forecasts, country analysis brief business and economy and other analyses, focusing on the energy industry business and economy including oil, natural gas and electricity.
- UK DFID - Country Profiles: Lesotho - News, programmes, case studies and publications about the country from the Department for International Development in the UK.
- OSAC - Lesotho - U.S. government PPP monitors and reports on regional security for American businesses operating in the area. Provides daily news, overseas posts, country councils, travel warnings and travel alerts. From the Overseas Security Advisory Council.
- World Bank Group in Lesotho - Provides country brief and profile, Millennium Development Goals economic development and lesotho Regional Integration Assistance Strategy along with news, economic development projects and lesotho total IDA credits.
- IMF - Lesotho and the IMF - Provides news, statistics, Public Information Notices and other lesotho reports, financial position in the Fund and transactions.
- EUROPA - Development: EU Relations with Lesotho - EU provides a country overview, country strategy, priorities lesotho for co-operation, business and economy major development projects and financial data.
- Lesotho National Development Corporation - The purpose of the Corporation is to initiate, economic development promote and facilitate the development of manufacturing economic development and processing industries, mining and commerce in a economic development manner calculated to raise the level of income economic development and employment in Lesotho.
- UN FAO - Aquastat: Lesotho - Country profile from the UN FAO\\'s information system on water and agriculture.
- World Trade Organization - Lesotho and the WTO - WTO provides trade statistics, goods schedules, Services schedules business and economy lesotho and MFN exemptions, trade policy reviews, dispute cases, business and economy lesotho and notifications.
- UN FAO - Country Profiles and Mapping Information System: Lesotho - Provides information about the UN\\'s food and agriculture activities, areas lesotho of intervention, newsroom, publications, country information, related sites and contacts.
- Development Gateway - Lesotho - Foundation provides a portal for resources, activity database, economic development project economic development information, business opportunities, recent notices and publications. economic development [English, French, economic development Spanish]
- MBendi - Lesotho - Country profile from a business and economic perspective business and economy plus a map, a business directory, and industry business and economy sector and investment information.
- IFAD in Lesotho - Information on the projects of the UN agency economic development dedicated economic development to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries economic development by increasing economic development rural poor peoples\\' access to financial economic development services, markets, technology, economic development land and other natural resources.
- Lesotho Highlands Development Authority (LHDA) - News and information on a multi-billion water transfer and hydropower project implemented by governments of Lesotho and South Africa. Includes project phases, environmental and social issues, and latest developments.
- African Development Bank Group - Lesotho - Provides current status of loans and grants, latest business and economy Project Appraisal Reports (PAR), Country Strategy Papers and business and economy press releases.
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