Organisations Education Australia Oceania
An independent, non-profit organisation which creates and disseminates knowledge and tools, to improve learning, for the fulfilment of individuals and society.
Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Education: Organisations
See Also:
- Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) - An independent, non-profit organisation which creates and disseminates organisations knowledge and education tools, to improve learning, for the organisations fulfilment of individuals and education society.
- Australian Council for Adult Literacy - Promotes issues regarding adult literacy and numeracy policy and practice. Includes a FAQ, membership details, and resource links.
- Australian Council of Technology Education - Provides resources for technology teachers, industrial arts teachers and students.
- Australian Curriculum Studies Association - ACSA is a professional association representing the interests of diverse australia participants in curriculum work from all levels of education.
- Kids Earth Fund (Australia) Inc. - Not for profit organization promoting the use of australia art as education part of a child\\'s education. Includes australia details of past and education current projects, with a australia gallery, and details of workshops.
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