Attorney-General Departments Government Australia

The independent body that reviews a broad range of administrative decisions made by Australian Commonwealth Government ministers and officials, authorities and other tribunals.

    Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Government: Departments: Attorney-General

See Also:
Editor's Picks:

Australian Law Online* - Provided by the government to give all Australians access to government legal information and services available nationwide.

  • Administrative Appeals Tribunal - The independent body that reviews a broad range departments of administrative departments departments departments decisions made by Australian Commonwealth departments Government ministers departments departments departments and officials, authorities and other departments tribunals.
  • Administrative Review Council - Provides advice to the Attorney General on strategic and operational attorney-general matters relating to the Commonwealth system of administrative law.
  • Australian Law Reform Commission - The Commission attempts to take an innovative and departments government departments government departments government departments constructive approach to the process of law government departments reform.
  • SCALEplus - A legal information retrieval system that aims to government bring low or no-cost access to the law government for the government community.
  • Australian Privacy Commissioner - Contains information about Australia\'s Privacy Act and general privacy issues.
  • Office of Parliamentary Counsel - Provides information about Commonwealth Acts and Bills.
  • Australian Protective Service - APS provides a range of security services for government Commonwealth clients attorney-general and areas where there is Commonwealth government interest.
  • National Native Title Tribunal - Facilitates the making of agreements among Aboriginal and government Torres government government government Strait Islander people, governments, industry and government others whose rights or government government government interests may co-exist government with native title rights and interests.
  • Australian Firearms Buyback - The site provides a single source for Australian attorney-general State and Territory information on the new laws, attorney-general which firearms are illegal, hand-in centres, firearm identification attorney-general and compensation handbook.
  • Australian Customs Service - Information on customs procedures, requirements and the facilitation attorney-general and concession departments schemes it administers.
  • Australian Federal Police - The principal law enforcement agency through which the Commonwealth pursues its law enforcement interests.
  • Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation - Australia\\'s national security service. Its main role is to gather attorney-general information that will enable it to warn the government about attorney-general activities or situations that might endanger national security.
  • Attorney-General's Department - Provides expert support to the government on the departments maintenance and departments improvement of Australia\\'s system of law departments and justice. News, responsibilities, departments service charter, ministers, and departments links to departments and legislation.
  • Director of Public Prosecutions - Aims to provide a prosecution service attorney-general attorney-general attorney-general to the Commonwealth and the people of Australia which attorney-general is attorney-general attorney-general fair, independent, accountable, attorney-general effective and efficient.
  • Office of Film and Literature Classification - Responsible for classifying of films and videos, computer games and publications in accordance with Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation regarding classification matters.
  • Family Law Council - Provides advice to the Attorney-General on the workings of the government \\'Family Law Act\\' and other legislation relating to family law government including Legal Aid.
  • National Crime Prevention - Administers a program of research and government government government action. There are government national research government government government projects, national pilot projects, local government government government government prevention activities, communication
  • Australian Government Solicitor - Offers legal expertise and integrated advice and assistance government across government a wide range of areas.
  • Australian Institute of Criminology - The Institute is the national focus for the study of government government government crime and criminal justice in government Australia and for the dissemination of government government government criminal justice information.
  • Federal Register of Legislative Instruments - Provides a scheme for the making, registration, publication, parliamentary scrutiny departments and sunsetting of all Commonwealth legislative instruments.
  • National Alternative Dispute Resolution Advisory Council - Advises the departments departments departments Government and Federal courts and departments tribunals on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) issues with departments a departments departments departments view to achieving and maintaining a departments high quality, accessible, integrated
  • Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia - Responsible for personal bankruptcy insolvency law and practice.
  • International Legal Services Advisory Council - A part-time advisory Council which provides a consultative government forum for attorney-general private and public sector interests on government issues relevant to international attorney-general legal services.
  • Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre - Aims to contribute towards a financial environment hostile to money departments departments departments laundering, major crime and tax departments evasion.
  • Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission - Administers federal legislation in the area of human rights, departments departments departments anti-discrimination, social justice and privacy. This departments includes departments departments complaint-handling, public inquiries, departments policy development and education

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