Education, Science and Training Departments Government Australia
AEShareNet's role is to help create an efficient system that is needed to streamline reciprocal copyright licensing practices in education.
Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Government: Departments: Education, Science and Training
Editor's Picks:
Department of Education, Science and Training

- Education Network Australia - Points to thousands of resources identified and contributed by Australian educators and networks the bodies responsible for education.
- Anglo-Australian Observatory - The AAO operates the Anglo-Australian and UK Schmidt education, science and education, science and training training telescopes on behalf of the astronomical communities of education, science education, science and training and training Australia and the UK. Has an online catalogue, education, education, science and training science and training astronomy preprints, newsletters, links to astronomy journals, and education, science and training education, science and training a thesaurus of astronomy terms.
- Australian Educational Sharing Network - AEShareNet\\'s role is to help create an efficient government system that is needed to streamline reciprocal copyright government licensing practices in education.
- Australian Education International - Promotes the Australian education and training industry to departments the world and provides information on the benefits departments of studying in Australia for overseas students.
- Australian National Training Authority - A gateway to a range of information on education, science and government training vocational education and training.
- National Reporting System - A nationally recognised mechanism for reporting outcomes of education, science and training adult english language, literacy and numeracy programmes.
- Qualifications Recognition - Seeks to help the overseas trained to work and study education, science and training in Australia by providing information, advice and assistance in relation education, science and training to the recognition of overseas qualifications and skills.
- My Future - Information about career planning and education, and training options for Australian jobs.
- Australian Job Guide - Contains information for young people making their first departments career decisions, departments and for all those thinking about departments study, employment options and departments career changes.
- The Source - Information about the programmes and services that the Commonwealth Government provides for young people.
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