Environment and Heritage Departments Government Australia

Responsible for both the coordination of domestic climate change policy and for managing the delivery of new and existing Commonwealth greenhouse programs.

    Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Government: Departments: Environment and Heritage

  • Biodiversity Group - Provides information on the conservation of plants, animals, environment and heritage environment and heritage and environments including national parks and protected areas.
  • Environment Australia - Responsible for policies and programs for the protection departments and conservation of the environment, including natural and departments cultural heritage sites. Departmental and ministerial information, media departments releases, publications, activities, and events.
  • Natural Heritage Trust - An Australian government program, which coordinates an integrated, environment and heritage long-term approach to the conservation and sustainability of environment and heritage Australia's land vegetation, water, biodiversity, coasts and oceans.
  • Australian National Botanic Gardens - Grows, environment and heritage environment and heritage environment and heritage environment and heritage environment and heritage environment and heritage studies and promotes Australias native flora. environment and heritage environment and heritage It is located on the lower environment and heritage environment and heritage environment and heritage environment and heritage environment and heritage environment and heritage slopes environment and heritage environment and heritage of Black Mountain in Canberra.
  • Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority - Provides for the protection, wise use, understanding and environment and heritage enjoyment of the Great Barrier Reef in perpetuity environment and heritage through the care and development of the Great environment and heritage Barrier Reef Marine Park.
  • National Land and Water Resources Audit - Strives to provide nationwide assessments of Australia\\'s land, vegetation and departments water resources to support sustainable development.
  • Bureau of Meteorology - Weather reports and forecasts, weather warnings, climate information, departments and educational environment and heritage resources.
  • Australian Heritage Commission - Provides access to the databases, publications and information departments produced by the AHC.
  • Australian Greenhouse Office - Responsible for both the coordination of domestic climate change policy environment and heritage and for managing the delivery of new and existing Commonwealth environment and heritage greenhouse programs.
  • Australian Antarctic Division - The AAD is the lead agency for Australia\\'s departments Antarctic program. environment and heritage Provides information about the stations, the departments science, and the environment environment and heritage of Antarctica.

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