Foreign Affairs and Trade Departments Government Australia
Responsible for the Australian Governments international relations, trade and development assistance programs through its headquarters in Canberra and Embassies, High Commissions a
Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Government: Departments: Foreign Affairs and Trade
Editor's Picks:
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

- Invest Australia - Invest Australia is a partnership between the Australian departments Department of departments Industry, Science and Resources and Austrade, departments and is the Australian departments Government\\'s national investment agency departments responsible for promoting Australia as an departments investment location.
- Australian National Commission for UNESCO - The main objective of UNESCO is to contribute to peace foreign affairs and trade and security in the world by promoting collaboration among nations foreign affairs and trade through education, science, culture and communication in order to further foreign affairs and trade universal respect for justice.
- Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research - Attempts to improve the well-being of departments departments departments departments departments departments people departments in developing countries and Australia through international departments departments departments departments departments departments departments collaboration in research and related departments activities that develop departments sustainable departments departments departments departments departments departments a
- Australian Agency For International Development - Australian Government Overseas Aid Program. Information about the latest humanitarian issues, online media releases, plus links to other overseas development sites.
- Austrade - The Australian government trade commission for Australian exporters and information departments for companies wanting to do business with Australia.
- Export Finance and Insurance Corporation - Aims to increase Australian exports by providing to government our clients government internationally competitive insurance and finance services.
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