Members of the House of Representatives Legislature Government Australia
Top: Regional: Oceania: Australia: Government: Legislature: Members of the House of Representatives
Editor's Picks:
Speaker of the House of Representatives - The Hon Neil Andrew MP
- Kerr, The Hon Duncan MP - Federal Member for Denison - member of the government Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Somlyay, The Hon Alexander MP - Federal Member for Fairfax - member of the Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Tuckey, The Hon Wilson MP - Federal Member for O\\'Connor - member of the government Australian government Liberal party.
- Irwin, Mrs Julia MP - Federal Member for Fowler - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- O'Keefe, The Hon Neil MP - Federal Member for Burke - member of the Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Neville, Mr Paul MP - Federal Member for Hinkler - member of the National Party legislature of Australia.
- Sciacca, The Hon Con MP - Federal Member for Bowman - member of the government Australian Labor government Party.
- Bevis, The Hon. Arch MP - Federal Member for Brisbane - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Melham, Mr Daryl MP - Federal Member for Banks - member of the Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Wakelin, Mr Barry MP - Federal Member for Grey - member of the members of the legislature house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Costello, The Hon. Peter MP - Federal Member for Higgins - member of the members of the members of the house of representatives house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- St Clair, Mr Stuart MP - Federal Member for New England - member of government the National government Party Australia.
- Lieberman, The Hon Louis MP - Federal Member for Indi - member of the government Australian Liberal party.
- Charles, Mr Bob MP - Federal Member for La Trobe- member of the government Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Moore, Mr John MP - Federal Member for Ryan - member of the government Australian Liberal party.
- Thompson, Mr Cameron MP - Federal Member for Blair - member of the Australian government Liberal party.
- McClelland, Mr Robert MP - Federal Member for Barton - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Gibbons, Mr Steve MP - Federal Member for Bendigo - member of the legislature Australian Labor Party.
- Cadman, The Hon. Alan MP - Federal Member for Mitchell - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Katter, The Hon Robert MP - Federal Member for Kennedy - member of the legislature National Party members of the house of representatives of Australia.
- Bishop, Ms Julie MP - Federal Member for Curtin - member of the Australian government Liberal party.
- Latham, Mr Mark MP - Federal Member for Werriwa - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- Hoare, Ms Kelly MP - Federal Member for Charlton - member of the members of the house of representatives Australian Labor Party.
- Theophanous, The Hon Dr Andrew MP - Federal Member for Calwell - member of the government Australian Labor government Party.
- McArthur, Mr Stewart MP - Federal Member for Corangamite - member of the government Australian Liberal party.
- Kemp, Dr David MP - Federal Member for Goldstein - member of the members of the house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Hatton, Mr Michael MP - Federal Member for Blaxland - member of the Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Hollis, Mr Colin MP - Federal Member for Throsby - member of the members of the house of representatives Australian Labor Party.
- Sidebottom, Mr Sid MP - Federal Member for Braddon - member of the Australian Labor legislature Party.
- Brough, The Hon. Mal MP - Federal Member for Longman - member of the legislature Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Gillard, Ms Julia MP - Federal Member for Lalor - member of the Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Ronaldson, The Hon Michael MP - Federal Member for Ballarat - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Danby, Mr Michael MP - Federal Member for Melbourne Ports - member of the Australian government Labor Party.
- Sullivan, The Hon Kathy MP - Federal Member for Moncrieff - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Nugent, Mr Peter MP - Federal Member for Aston - member of the legislature Australian Liberal party.
- McFarlane, Ms Jann MP - Federal Member for Stirling - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- Wilton, The Hon Gregory MP - Federal Member for Isaacs - member of the Australian Labor government Party.
- Tanner, Mr Lindsay MP - Federal Member for Melbourne - member of the Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Ferguson, Mr Martin AM MP - Federal Member for Batman - member of the Australian Labor government Party.
- Slipper, The Hon Peter MP - Federal Member for Fisher - member of the Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Elson, Mrs Kay MP - Federal Member for Forde - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Billson, Mr Bruce MP - Federal Member for Dunkley - member of the Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Macklin, Ms Jenny MP - Federal Member for Jagajaga - member of the legislature Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Gambaro, Ms Teresa MP - Federal Member for Petrie - member of the government Australian Liberal party.
- Beazley, The Hon. Kim MP - Federal Member for Brand - member of the Australian Labor government Party and leader of the government Opposition in the House.
- Barresi, Mr Phillip MP - Federal Member for Deakin - member of the government Australian Liberal party.
- Jenkins, Mr Harry MP - Federal Member for Scullin - member of the Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Anderson, The Hon. John MP - Federal Member for Gwydir - member of the legislature National Party of Australia.
- Byrne, Mr Anthony MP - Federal Member for Holt - member of the legislature Australian members of the house of representatives Labor Party.
- Southcott, Dr Andrew MP - Federal Member for Boothby - member of the legislature Australian members of the house of representatives Liberal party.
- Nelson, Dr Brendan MP - Federal Member for Bradfield - member of the legislature Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Lawler, Mr Tony MP - Federal Member for Parkes - member of the government National Party legislature of Australia.
- Williams, The Hon Daryl AM, QC, MP - Federal Member for Tangney - member of the government Australian members of the house of representatives Liberal party.
- Zahra, Mr Christian MP - Federal Member for McMillan - member of the legislature Australian Labor legislature Party.
- Hardgrave, Mr Gary MP - Federal Member for Moreton - member of the members of the house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Burke, Ms Anna MP - Federal Member for Chisholm - member of the members of the legislature house of representatives Australian Labor Party.
- Adams, The Hon. Dick MP - Federal Member for Lyons - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- Kernot, Ms Cheryl MP - Federal Member for Dickson - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- Murphy, Mr John MP - Federal Member for Lowe - member of the legislature Australian Labor government Party.
- McLeay, The Hon Leo MP - Federal Member for Watson - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- Gallus, Mrs Christine MP - Federal Member for Hindmarsh - member of the government Australian members of the house of representatives Liberal party.
- Hull, Mrs Kay MP - Federal Member for Riverina - member of the members of the house of representatives National Party of Australia.
- O'Byrne, Ms Michelle MP - Federal Member for Bass - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Stone, The Hon Dr Sharman MP - Federal Member for Murray - member of the Australian government Liberal party.
- Lindsay, Mr Peter MP - Federal Member for Herbert - member of the members of the government house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Sercombe, Mr Bob MP - Federal Member for Maribyrnong - member of the members of the government house of representatives Australian Labor Party.
- Causley, The Hon. Ian MP - Federal Member for Page - member of the National Party government of Australia.
- Crean, The Hon. Simon MP - Federal Member for Hotham - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Gerick, Ms Jane MP - Federal Member for Canning - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Evans, Mr Martyn MP - Federal Member for Bonython - member of the legislature Australian Labor legislature Party.
- Thomson, The Hon Kelvin MP - Federal Member for Wills - member of the government Australian Labor legislature Party.
- Ripoll, Mr Bernie MP - Federal Member for Oxley - member of the legislature Australian Labor Party.
- Andren, Mr Peter MP - Federal Member for Calare - Independent.
- Prosser, The Hon Geoffrey MP - Federal Member for Forrest - member of the legislature Australian Liberal party.
- Andrews, Mr Kevin MP - Federal Member for Menzies - member of the Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Rudd, Mr Kevin MP - Federal Member for Griffith - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Howard, The Hon John MP - Federal Member for Bennelong - member of the Australian members of the house of representatives Liberal party and leader of the members of the house of representatives Government in the House.
- Anthony, The Hon. Larry MP - Federal Member for Richmond - member of the members of the government house of representatives National Party of Australia.
- Entsch, The Hon. Warren MP - Federal Member for Leichhardt - member of the Australian government Liberal party.
- Edwards, The Hon. Graham MP - Federal Member for Cowan - member of the Australian legislature Labor Party.
- Worth, The Hon Trish MP - Federal Member for Adelaide - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Vale, Mrs Danna MP - Federal Member for Hughes - member of the legislature Australian Liberal party.
- Morris, Mr Allan MP - Federal Member for Newcastle - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Schultz, Mr Alby MP - Federal Member for Hume - member of the members of the house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Reith, The Hon Peter MP - Federal Member for Flinders - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Lee, The Hon Michael MP - Federal Member for Dobell - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- Gash, Mrs Joanna MP - Federal Member for Gilmore - member of the Australian government Liberal party.
- Pyne, Mr Christopher MP - Federal Member for Sturt - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Washer, Dr Mal MP - Federal Member for Moore - member of the legislature Australian members of the house of representatives Liberal party.
- Horne, Mr Bob MP - Federal Member for Paterson - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Ferguson, Mr Laurie MP - Federal Member for Reid - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Scott, The Hon Bruce MP - Federal Member for Maranoa - member of the legislature National Party members of the house of representatives of Australia.
- Albanese, Mr Anthony MP - Federal Member for Grayndler - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Hall, Ms Jill MP - Federal Member for Shortland - member of the legislature Australian Labor government Party.
- Draper, Mrs Trish MP - Federal Member for Makin - member of the members of the members of the house of representatives house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Kelly, The Hon Jackie MP - Federal Member for Lindsay - member of the members of the government house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Martin, The Hon Stephen MP - Federal Member for Cunningham - member of the legislature Australian Labor government Party.
- Lloyd, Mr Jim MP - Federal Member for Robertson - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Downer, The Hon. Alexander MP - Federal Member for Mayo - member of the government Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Thomson, Mr Andrew MP - Federal Member for Wentworth - member of the government Australian members of the house of representatives Liberal party.
- Georgiou, Mr Petro MP - Federal Member for Kooyong - member of the government Australian members of the house of representatives Liberal party.
- Bailey, Fran MP - Federal Member for McEwen - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Griffin, Mr Alan MP - Federal Member for Bruce - member of the members of the house of representatives Australian Labor Party.
- McGauran, The Hon Peter MP - Federal Member for Gippsland - member of the legislature National Party members of the house of representatives of Australia.
- Wilkie, Mr Kim MP - Federal Member for Swan - member of the legislature Australian Labor legislature Party.
- Price, The Hon Roger MP - Federal Member for Chifley - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- Swan, Mr Wayne MP - Federal Member for Lilley - member of the legislature Australian Labor Party.
- Fischer, The Hon. Timothy MP - Federal Member for Farrer - member of the members of the government house of representatives National Party of Australia.
- Baird, The Hon. Bruce MP - Federal Member for Cook - member of the government Australian government Liberal party.
- Secker, Mr Patrick MP - Federal Member for Barker - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Wooldridge, The Hon Dr Michael MP - Federal Member for Casey - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Emerson, Dr Craig MP - Federal Member for Rankin - member of the Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Lawrence, The Hon Dr Carmen MP - Federal Member for Fremantle - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Bishop, The Hon. Bronwyn MP - Federal Member for Mackellar - member of the Australian government Liberal party.
- Brereton, The Hon. Laurie MP - Federal Member for Kinsford-Smith - member of the legislature Australian Labor Party.
- Ruddock, The Hon Philip MP - Federal Member for Berowra - member of the members of the house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Hockey, The Hon Joe MP - Federal Member for North Sydney - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- O'Connor, Mr Gavan MP - Federal Member for Corio - member of the members of the house of representatives Australian Labor Party.
- Andrew, The Hon. Neil MP - Federal Member for Wakefield - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Truss, The Hon Warren MP - Federal Member for Wide Bay - member of the National Party of Australia.
- Livermore, Ms Kirsten MP - Federal Member for Capricornia - member of the Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Plibersek, Ms Tanya MP - Federal Member for Sydney - member of the government Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Snowdon, The Hon Warren MP - Federal Member for Northern Territory - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Fahey, The Hon. John MP - Federal Member for Macarthur - member of the Australian government Liberal party.
- McMullan, The Hon Bob MP - Federal Member for Fraser - member of the government Australian Labor legislature Party.
- Jull, The Hon David MP - Federal Member for Fadden - member of the Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Haase, Mr Barry MP - Federal Member for Kalgoorlie - member of the Australian Liberal party.
- Moylan, The Hon Judi MP - Federal Member for Pearce - member of the government Australian Liberal party.
- Forrest, Mr John MP - Federal Member for Malley - member of the members of the government house of representatives National Party of Australia.
- Crosio, The Hon. Janice MBE MP - Federal Member for Prospect - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- Macfarlane, Mr Ian MP - Federal Member for Groom - member of the government Australian legislature Liberal party.
- May, Mrs Margaret MP - Federal Member for McPherson - member of the government Australian members of the house of representatives Liberal party.
- Sawford, Mr Rodney MP - Federal Member for Port Adelaide - member of members of the legislature house of representatives the Australian Labor legislature members of the house of representatives Party.
- Kelly, Mrs De-Anne MP - Federal Member for Dawson - member of the government National Party legislature of Australia.
- Bartlett, Mr Kerry MP - Federal Member for Macquarie - member of the members of the legislature house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Roxon, Ms Nicola MP - Federal Member for Gellibrand - member of the government Australian Labor Party.
- Smith, Mr Stephen MP - Federal Member for Perth - member of the Australian Labor members of the house of representatives Party.
- Hawker, Mr David MP - Federal Member for Wannon - member of the government Australian legislature Liberal party.
- Abbott, The Hon. Tony MP - Federal Member for Warringah - member of the government Australian Liberal party.
- Quick, Mr Harry MP - Federal Member for Franklin - member of the Australian Labor Party.
- Nehl, Mr Garry MP - Federal Member for Cowper - member of the government National Party legislature of Australia.
- Ellis, Ms Annette MP - Federal Member for Canberra - member of the legislature Australian Labor Party.
- Cameron, Mr Ross MP - Federal Member for Parramatta - member of the members of the members of the house of representatives house of representatives Australian Liberal party.
- Nairn, Mr Gary MP - Federal Member for Eden-Monaro - member of the Australian members of the house of representatives Liberal party.
- Mossfield, Mr Frank AM MP - Federal Member for Greenway - member of the legislature Australian Labor Party.
- Fitzgibbon, Mr Joel MP - Federal Member for Hunter - member of the members of the members of the house of representatives house of representatives Australian Labor Party.
- Vaile, The Hon Mark MP - Federal Member for Lyne - member of the National Party of Australia.
- Cox, Mr David MP - Federal Member for Kingston - member of the government Australian Labor legislature Party.
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