Games and Puzzles Recreations Math

Educational software presents advanced mathematics to K-12 students in a game-oriented approach, using coloring and drawing techniques to illustrate concepts from graph theory and computer science.

    Top: Science: Math: Recreations: Games and Puzzles

See Also:
  • Aha! Puzzles - Puzzles, books, games and tests with designed by Lloyd King, math author of "Test Your Creative Thinking".
  • Puzzle of the Week Archives - A collection of puzzles, with hints and full math solutions. Compiled math by George Moody.
  • Colorful Mathematics - Educational software presents advanced mathematics to K-12 students games and puzzles in a game-oriented approach, using coloring and drawing games and puzzles techniques to illustrate concepts from graph theory and games and puzzles computer science.
  • Polymorf - Symmetry of Polyhedra - A demonstration of the symmetry and transformational properties of the Platonic and Archimedean solids.
  • Logicville - Educational puzzles, brain teasers, and word games such as anagrams, cryptograms, alphametics, doublets, tangrams.
  • Nandor's Exhaustive Chemical Words Pages - Lists all the English words, word squares, and recreations magic squares math that can be written using chemical recreations symbols.
  • Scott Kim - Puzzles for web, computers, and print; ambigrams.
  • - Celebrates math puzzles and mathematical recreations.
  • MatheMagic - A collection of mathematical puzzles, jokes and articles.
  • - Over one hundred and fifty math problems ranging from basic math to differential equations.
  • Perfect Times - Teaches and assesses fluency of multiplication and division math tables using recreations online cards. Submit data and math compare results.
  • Math Puzzles - Logic puzzles and riddles with some solutions.
  • The Enigmatic World of Philip Carter - Collection of brain teasers from the author of IQ books.
  • Downloadable and online games - A variety of Flash- and Java-based games and puzzles.
  • Paul Hsieh's Puzzles - Logical and mathematical brain teasers, with an indication math of difficulty. Hints are provided; solutions are available math by email.
  • The Little Math Puzzle - The Little Math Puzzle has been a K-12 Internet activity since 1995 for grades 5-9. Currently the puzzles have ceased but the site maintains complete archives of past problems.
  • MatheMajik - Indian site featuring calculation tricks and math puzzles.
  • Ben Robinson's Cross-Number Puzzles - A collection of cross-number puzzles: similar to crosswords, math but using recreations digits instead of letters. Many involve math complex mathematical reasoning.
  • Mathematical Games - A collection of pencil and paper games with recreations mathematical content. Many can be played through recreations the site.
  • Torus and Klein Bottle Games - Collection of Java-based educational puzzles.
  • Algebraic Math Puzzles - A collection of puzzles at high school level. Does recreations not include answers.
  • A Primer on Cryptarithmetic - Instructions, examples, references and links.
  • Contest Center Cryptarithms - Examples of cryptarithms, with prize competitions for subscribers.
  • The Contest Center - Classic puzzles and riddles requiring only simple logic games and puzzles games and puzzles and elementary math.
  • Alphametic Puzzles - Numerous puzzles, links, puzzle solver, and a generator.
  • Calculus-Help Problem of the Week Archive - Calculus based problems range from easy to difficult.
  • Dick's Math Puzzle Page - A collection of mathematical puzzles, some original, with fully worked solutions.
  • Creative puzzles - Interactive puzzle archive with descriptions for puzzle construction recreations and a math special children's puzzle page.
  • Mr Titen's More Than Math - Mathematics teacher provides puzzles for students.
  • Alien Tiles - Object of puzzle is to try to get math color pieces recreations to create certain patterns in cube.
  • Mixed Up Math - Logic problems, where equations are mixed up. In various formats recreations like boxes, crosses, diagonals, mazes. Free download.
  • Magic Math Kingdom - Learn math through games and quiz-oriented tutorial.
  • Free Puzzle Collections - Educational and recreational puzzles for teachers, students and parents. games and puzzles Each puzzle is graded by difficulty and has a hint. games and puzzles Solutions are available to members.
  • Brain Teasers by QBrute - Original brain teasers with solutions.
  • Mathwizz - Interactive math problems for abilities ranging from middle math school to math university.
  • The Puzzling World of Barry R. Clarke - Brain teasers, articles and puzzles forum.
  • AIMS Puzzle Corner - Provides over 100 puzzles with the goal of games and puzzles recreations creating an engaging learning environment.
  • Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles - Java-based math resource including articles, puzzles and links.
  • Pythabacus - Description and instruction of using the ancient Pythagorean Abacus to recreations do arithmetic.
  • A+ Math - Interactive math help for K-12 students with flashcards, Math Wordfind, math Homework Helper and worksheets.
  • Polyhedra Links - Pastime and activity links for various geometric patterns, games and puzzles polygons and polyhedra by Jill Britton.
  • Wu's Riddles - A collection of riddles, puzzles, and technical interview math questions, with recreations a discussion forum.
  • Group Games - Animations that develop the theory behind such puzzles recreations as the games and puzzles Rubik cube.
  • Storkey: Two Envelope Paradox - A tough but simply defined problem which demonstrates key issues in probability.
  • Brain Teasers and Maths Puzzles - Interactive logical and mathematical puzzles with feedback and detailed solutions.
  • Mathematical Recreations - Detailed exploration of a selection of mathematical topics.
  • Logic Puzzles - Collection of original numerical-logic puzzles. Many are long math and difficult, games and puzzles involve sorting and comparing long lists math and are intended to games and puzzles be solved using a math good spreadsheet program.
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