Journals Publications Physics

Web-based journal intended for collegiate audiences. Provides links to web-based articles as well as some "basic" lessons on entropy.

    Top: Science: Physics: Publications: Journals

See Also:
  • The Canadian Undergraduate Physics Journal - A resource for cutting-edge issues in the undergraduate physics community, publications and to acknowledge and recognise the contributions made to physics publications research by undergraduate students.
  • Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists - Search issues of the Bulletin of the Atomic publications Scientists from journals 1991 to 1999 with a keyword publications query.
  • Computers in Physics - An archive of CIP (Computing in Science and journals Engineering) materials. journals They include an index to all journals 12 volumes, source-code listings, journals historical information on the journals CIP annual educational software contest, and journals representative articles journals in PDF.
  • Annalen der Physik - One of the oldest of its kind worldwide. physics Includes information physics on editorial policy, tables of contents physics and abstracts of articles, physics as well as full physics texts of certain historical articles.
  • Egyptian Journal of Solids - The Egyptian Journal of Solids is the official journals publication of publications the Egyptian Society of Solid State journals Science and Applications.
  • Physics in Perspective - Intended to convey a deeper understanding of physics to a broad audience. Available in print and online.
  • Physical Review Focus - Brief explanations of selected research papers from Physical Review Letters journals (PRL) at a level accessible to most physicists
  • Japanese Journal of Applied Physics - Mow published by the Institute of Pure and publications Applied Physics (IPAP). Currently online free to publications registered users.
  • The Online Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics (JURP) - A publication of the Society of Physics Students journals and Sigma journals Pi Sigma. Devoted to research journals work done by undergraduate journals students in physics journals journals journals and its related fields.
  • PhysicsFinder : The American Institute of Physics Journals Index - The PhysicsFinder Journal index is a compilation of publications physics journals published by the American Institute of publications Physics (AIP). Browse this index for abstracts publications of articles published in these journals.
  • Romanian Journal of Physics - A Physics journal publishing physics contributions in the several fields.
  • Journal of High Energy Physics - A refereed journal with free access to research papers in physics the fields of high energy physics.
  • AIP Physics Today - A magazine for physicists with feature articles, news journals stories, and analyses, and a forum for the journals exchange of ideas.
  • American Institute of Physics (AIP) Journals - It is the mission of the Institute to serve physics, astronomy, and related fields of science and technology by serving its Member Societies, individual scientists, educators, students, research and development leaders, and the general public with program
  • Chemical Physics Letters - online full-text service for CPL
  • Physical Review A - Home of the publication of many physical papers.
  • Reviews of Modern Physics - Includes information on editorial policy and a searchable index of full-text articles.
  • Entropy Online Journal - Web-based journal intended for collegiate audiences. Provides publications links to publications web-based articles as well as some publications "basic" lessons on entropy.
  • Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics - Publishes high-quality peer-reviewed papers on the mathematical theory of fluid publications mechanics, with special regards to the Navier-Stokes equations. Tables of publications contents of all volumes. Full text to subscribers.
  • Journal Fizika Nizkih Temperatur - Published monthly by the Institute for Low Temperature publications Physics and Engineering (Kharkov, Ukraine) since 1975 and publications simultaneously in English translation under the title Low publications Temperature Physics. Searchable tables of contents starting publications with vol.22 (1996) and
  • Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids - A journal on the chemical, electronic, optical and mechanical properties of glasses, amorphous semiconductors and metals, sol-gel materials, the liquid state of these solids and the processes by which they are formed.
  • The Industrial Physicist - Bimonthly magazine published by The American Institute of Physics to promote the development, advancement, and recognition of industrial physicists and the applications of physics in industry.
  • eFieldTheory - A theoretical physics electronic journal with PDF formatted physics articles in physics advanced fields of research such as physics quantum field theory, string physics theory, statistical physics, and physics nuclear physics.
  • Physics Essays - Quarterly, international, interdisciplinary, physics journal dedicated to theoretical journals and experimental aspects of fundamental problems in physics
  • Laser and Particle Beams - Laser and Particle Beams is an international journal physics which deals with the physics of intense laser physics and particle beams, the interaction of these beams physics with matter, and their applications.
  • Photonics and Nanostructures - This peer reviewed scientific journal is targeted at physics physicists, material scientists, chemists, engineers and computer scientists physics who are interested in photonic crystals/band gaps, nanostructures physics and its applications.
  • Fortschritte der Physik - Progress of Physics - Progress of Physics is devoted to the theoretical and experimental journals study of the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions.
  • Journal of Plasma Physics - Journal of Plasma Physics publishes primary research articles journals in plasma physics, both theoretical and experimental, and journals its applications.
  • Bulgarian Journal of Physics - Established in 1956 (published in English since 1974), publications the Bulgarian physics Journal of Physics accepts articles and publications reviews in the several physics fields.
  • American Journal of Physics - Is devoted to the instructional and cultural aspects publications of physical physics science. The contents are available online. publications Browsing and searching abstracts physics and tables of contents publications is unrestricted; full text is available physics by subscription.
  • Journal of Fluid Mechanics - Journal of Fluid Mechanics is the leading international journal in the field and is essential reading for all those concerned with developments in fluid mechanics.
  • Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk - Includes tables of contents, article search and abstracts. Articles mostly in Russian.
  • Celerity - Latest articles from all publishers of physics journals. publications Abstracts and physics preprints are free, full text articles publications require registration.
  • Virtual Journal Of Applications Of Superconductivity - This semi-monthly virtual journal presents articles that have appeared in publications one of the participating source journals and that fall within publications the scope of applications of superconductivity to electronics and large-scale publications systems.
  • physica status solidi - Physica status solidi was established in 1961. In journals 1970 it journals was divided into two series: physica journals status solidi (a) - journals applied research and physica journals status solidi (b) - basic research.

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