Software Relativity Physics

Product information from Ad Infinitum AS about a package for use with the Mathematica software; allows interactive tensor calculations in spacetimes of arbitrary dimension.

    Top: Science: Physics: Relativity: Software

  • Riemann Package for Maple - Package written in Maple for calculating tensor components in General Relativity and performing some abstract tensor manipulation; suitable for calculations in general relativity and for quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Features brief description
  • LORENE (Langage Objet pour la RElativite NumeriquE) - Provides a set of C++ classes to solve physics various problems arising in numerical relativity and other physics areas of computational astrophysics.
  • Cartan: A Mathematica Package for Tensor Analysis - Product information from Ad Infinitum AS about a package for use with the Mathematica software; allows interactive tensor calculations in spacetimes of arbitrary dimension.
  • GRAVLENS - Software for modelling gravitational lens systems; created and maintained by physics Chuck Keeton at Rutgers University.
  • GRTensorII - A computer algebra package for performing differential geometry relativity calculations. Demonstrations relativity of the package\'s applications to general relativity relativity.
  • Kranc - A suite of Mathematica packages for numerical relativists, relativity which helps with tasks such as performing 3+1 relativity decompositions, analytical manipulations of tensorial systems of equations relativity (such as change of variables), computation of characteristics relativity or linearizat
  • CarpetCode - A mesh refinement driver for the Cactus code; physics the primary application is the simulation of black physics hole spacetimes.
  • openGR - An open framework for large numerical simulations in physics general relativity.
  • GRTensorM - A version of GRTensor II for use with the Mathematica software software.
  • Form Symbolic Manipulation System - A free software package for manipulating tensors (abstract physics index notation) and other multi-component objects; highly suitable physics for calculations in general relativity and related theories physics such as supergravity. Documentation, course material, and possibiliti
  • The Cactus Code - A modular manageable high-performance 3D tool for Numerical physics Relativity.
  • Whisky - A code to evolve the equations of hydrodynamics in curved software spacetime (relativistic numerical hydrodynamics).
  • Ricci - A Mathematica package for doing tensor calculations in differential geometry and general relativity.

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