Publications Research Ethics Science in Society
Pamphlet that seeks to describe the ethical foundations of scientific practices and some of the personal and professional issues that researchers encounter in their work.
Top: Science: Science in Society: Research Ethics: Publications
- Science and Engineering Ethics - A multi-disciplinary journal dedicated to exploring ethical issues of direct concern to scientists and engineers.
- On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research - Pamphlet that seeks to describe the ethical foundations of scientific publications practices and some of the personal and professional issues that publications researchers encounter in their work.
- Ethical Issues in Physics - Proceedings for two workshops held in 1993 and research ethics 1996 research ethics at Eastern Michigan University.
- The Least of my Brothers - Short course on the ethics of conducting research with human subjects.
- TREnds - A newsletter on issues in teaching research ethics. science in society science in society Publication ceased after 1999.
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