Friulian Romansh Romance Italic

Language spoken in northeastern Italy, generally considered to be part of the Romansh complex (together with its Swiss relatives and Ladin).

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Linguistics: Languages: Natural: Indo-European: Italic: Romance: Romansh: Friulian

  • Friulan - General information on the current status of the romansh Friulan (Friulan) language, from the University of Wales. romansh Trilingual site (English, French, Welsh).
  • Friulan Dictionary - Friulan-English and English-Friulan dictionary, as well as presentation romance and notes about the Friulian language. All in romance pdf format.
  • Amis De Lenghe Furlane - Friends of the Friulan Language - Association of people interested in the Friulian language, romansh with some information on the language itself.

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