Clinical and Counseling Psychology Social Sciences
Research into child and adolescent trauma and treatment. Development of a module based group treatment process using a psycho-educational cognitive-behavioural approach.
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Psychology: Clinical and Counseling
See Also:
- Top/Health/Mental Health
- Top/Health/Medicine/Medical Specialties/Psychiatry
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Psychology/Forensics and Law
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Social Work
- Sociodynamic Constructivist Counselling - SocioDynamic Counselling is a method of life planning clinical and counseling clinical and counseling - helping individuals to clarify and articulate their clinical and counseling clinical and counseling reasons for acting and then reorganize their life clinical and counseling clinical and counseling activities to better achieve goals that they decide clinical and counseling clinical and counseling upon.
- Trauma Research - Research into child and adolescent trauma and treatment. psychology Development of a module based group treatment process psychology using a psycho-educational cognitive-behavioural approach.
- Jay Haley on Therapy - Details of Haley\\'s approach and development of family therapy, strategic therapy, and problem-solving therapy.
- - Information for people interested in training to become a clinical social sciences psychologist in the UK. Includes articles, advice, regional groups, and social sciences a discussion forum.
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