Evolutionary Psychology
Speculations on the Psychology of Paleolithic Graphics, links to cultural-historical psychology, and links to articles about the evolution of brain, consciousness, language, and sociality.
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Psychology: Evolutionary Psychology
See Also:
- Top/Science/Biology/Sociobiology
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Anthropology
- Top/Science/Biology/Zoology/Animal Behavior
- Top/Computers/Artificial Life
- Top/Science/Biology/Evolution
- Human Genome Project - Where does the push to sequence the human social sciences genome stand, and what\\'s the outlook for the social sciences near future? And what will knowing the genome social sciences be able to tell us? A genetics update social sciences on this hour of Science Friday.
- Paul Ehrlich: Human Natures - How much do our genes determine our behavior? evolutionary psychology Is evolutionary psychology there such a thing as "genetic destiny?" evolutionary psychology And is evolutionary psychology evolution merely a biological process, or evolutionary psychology is it a evolutionary psychology cultural process as well?
- The Genetics of Complex Traits - Science Friday discussion on the genetics of complex traits.
- The Origin of Language - UsingEnglish.com - Some thoughts on the \\'origin of language\\' debate, social sciences and the arguments put forward by Steels and social sciences MacWhinney, in contrast to those put forward by social sciences Chomsky and Pinker.
- Psychology, Culture, and Evolution - Speculations on the Psychology of Paleolithic Graphics, links psychology to cultural-historical psychology psychology, and links to articles about psychology the evolution of brain, psychology consciousness, language, and sociality.
- Jared Diamond - An audio interview with the author, physiologist, evolutionary biologist and psychology biogeographer.
- The original 'rock music' - Many Stone Age relics lying in our museums might not simply be tools but could also be musical instruments.
- The Dance of Consciousness - In an audio interview, neuroscientist Walter J. social sciences Freeman social sciences discusses his view that consciousness springs from social sciences action.
- The Foundation for Humanity's Adulthood - FHA - Biological explanation of human nature, specifically biological exploration of the evolutionary psychology human condition, humans\' capacity for good and evil.
- World From Within - Explores the pathology of modern human psychology language evolutionary psychology and social-cultural institutions.
- Evolutionary Psychology: An Emerging Integrative Perspective within the Science and Practice of Psychology - An article on the theory and implications of this theory by Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair.
- The Science of Beauty - Nancy Etcoff, Doug Jones and Steve Gangestad discuss psychology the science of beauty.
- The Great Debate: Evolution, Human Nature and Autonomy - Wwb site of the debate between Sue Scott, Kenan Malik, psychology Rita Carter and Christopher Badcock. There are useful links and psychology contact information.
- Darwin Wars: The Scientific Battle for the Soul of Man - Information about and from Andrew Brown\\'s book on current debates between the Dawkinsians and the Gouldians over Dawkins\\' concept of the "selfish gene" and related matters.
- Brain Development - A broadcast in RealAudio from the annual meeting of the AAAS: Marion Diamond and others on how genes and the environment work together to shape the young developing brain.
- Orlando Patterson - Audio interview with the historical sociologist and Professor social sciences at Harvard University. He won the 1991 National social sciences Book Award for Freedom in the Making of social sciences Western Culture, appears regularly in The New social sciences York Times, Newsweek, and The New Republic. He social sciences also served
- Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - Audio conversations with the noted primatologist.
- Monkey Math - What do experiments on mathematical ability in other species say about the fundamentals of math -- and of psychology?
- The Descent of Man - Covers the Australian Broadcasting Corporation\'s four-part radio series psychology on neo-Darwinism.
- Daniel J. Kruger: Evolutionary Psychology - This Research Fellow at the University of Michigan provides an evolutionary psychology online version of his work "What is Evolutionary Psychology?" published evolutionary psychology 2002.
- Pinker on 'The Language Instinct' - NPR audio interview originally broadcast on Fresh Air.
- Research Group on Evolution and Higher Cognition - Center at Rutgers University provides faculty profiles, information on courses evolutionary psychology and conferences. Also offers an archive of papers.
- Richard Wrangham - Audio interview with the Professor of Biological Anthropology at Harvard University. His book \\'Demonic Males\\' popularized ideas he has developed in scholarly research focused on the influence of ecology on the evolution of primate social behavior.
- Evolution's Voyage - Evolutionary Psychology For The Common Person. Includes articles, social sciences book social sciences reviews and reading lists.
- Genetics, Ethics and Theology - Audio resources on genetics, ethics and theology.
- Identifying the accident prone - Your personality could determine how likely you are to be evolutionary psychology involved in an accident, say researchers.
- Secrets of the brain - The organ of thought is the subject of social sciences a major new BBC television series 'Brain Story'.
- Chimpanzees and Romans: Why Animals and Humans Make War - Paleopsychologist/mass-behavior specialist Howard Bloom explains the animal instincts social sciences that psychology drove the ancient Greeks and Romans to social sciences make war.
- Scientists 'Locate' Intelligence - British and German scientists believe they have identified the specific psychology area of the human brain responsible for intelligence.ˇ=
- The Role of the Skeptic - A discussion including Eugenie Scott.
- Women's Choice of Men Goes in Cycles - The BBC reports that women are attracted to psychology more hunky men at the most fertile time psychology of their menstrual cycle - this may be psychology part of an evolutionary explanation of infidelity.
- Evolutionary Psychology - Provides a concise definition of the field with links to social sciences related topics.
- Evolutionary Psychology Challenges the Current Social Sciences - This article attempts to describe evolutionary psychology and psychology the challenge it poses to traditional social science, psychology and then discusses opportunities evolutionary psychology opens for psychology Christian apologetics.
- Sex, Drugs, and Cults - An evolutionary perspective on sex, drugs, cults, religions, and ideologies social sciences by H. Keith Henson, including a hair-raising account of the social sciences author\'s encounters with the scientiology cult.
- Sociobiology and the Meaning of Life - Essay presents an overview of the field of Evolutionary Psychology. Features links to related sites.
- The Future of Human Evolution - Paper by nick Bostrom exploring some dystopian scenarios evolutionary psychology where psychology evolutionary developments, while continuing to produce complex evolutionary psychology and intelligent psychology forms of organization, lead to the evolutionary psychology gradual elimination of psychology all forms of being that evolutionary psychology we care about.
- Inside the Animal Mind - A superb website on animal intelligence.
- So you think you're logical? - An online implementation of one of the most social sciences famous psychology experiments in social/evolutionary psychology.
- Origins of Language - When did we first start talking and how did language evolutionary psychology evolve over the millenniums into the diverse form of communication evolutionary psychology it is today? An audio debate.
- The Evolution and Human Adaptation Program - Work by faculty and students at the University of Michigan social sciences in the area of evolution and human behavior, including work social sciences relevant to Darwinian medicine.
- Flight from Science and Reason - Paul Gross and colleagues take issue with what psychology they see psychology as a trend toward irrationalism psychology in science and psychology academia.
- Language Gene - NPR interview with Steven Pinker on the discovery evolutionary psychology of psychology the first gene linked to speech and evolutionary psychology language.
- When babies 'see' - Babies start to see complex objects in the same way social sciences as adults at the age of seven months, according to social sciences new research.
- Koen DePryck - Links to publications on evolutionary advantages of learning social sciences disabilities evolutionary psychology and other items.
- The Bio-Rational Institute - Articles, references and information about evolutionary influences on social sciences human experience.
- Stress and Disease - Audio discussion with Robert Sapolsky on the biology of stress.
- What makes a good rumour? - A rumour spread by a small radio station social sciences saw social sciences UK motorists trying to beat a phantom social sciences fuel blockade. social sciences What makes a rumour so successful?
- Evolutionary Psychology Primer by Leda Cosmides and John Tooby - An invaluable primer written by two of the evolutionary psychology founders of the field.
- Nature/Nurture Debate - Audio discussion featuring Dean Hamer.
- NPR - Focus on Ordinary Behavior - Radio interview with the founder of "The Journal psychology of Mundane evolutionary psychology Behavior."
- Evolutionary psychology - A comprehensive evolutionary psychology must be able to deal with our future psychological evolution as well as our past. This paper begins the extension of evolutionary psychology to our future evolution.
- Human Origins Update - The recent discovery of 10,000-year-old rock paintings in evolutionary psychology a psychology Brazilian cave has led scientists to question evolutionary psychology how early psychology humans populated the Americas and what evolutionary psychology they did for psychology a living. A discussion with evolutionary psychology Anna Roosevelt and Richard psychology Klein.
- The Imagined World Made Real - Tom Dickins looks at Henry Plotkin\\'s view on the natural science of culture.
- Film Archive of Human Ethology - Videos and photography of people comparing different cultures.
- The Undiscovered Mind - A conversation with John Horgan on his dismissive psychology views of evolutionary psychology contemporary research.
- Toward a Revised Evolutionary Adaptationist Analysis of Depression: The Social Navigation Hypothesis - Presents the niche change model of depression, proposing social sciences evolutionary psychology adaptationist functions for minor and major depression social sciences to be psychology considered by patients and their families, social sciences as well as psychology mental health professionals.[PDF]
- In Search of Human Origins: Classroom Ideas - Lesson Plans Introduce evolution, classify species, and write social sciences quizzes evolutionary psychology about early humans to get a better social sciences understanding of evolutionary psychology human origins.
- Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution - Written by Charles R. Peters of Massey University, social sciences Palmerston North, New Zealand.
- Frank Sulloway - Audio interview with the visiting scholar at the psychology Massachusetts Institute social sciences of Technology (MIT) in the Department psychology of Brain and Cognitive social sciences Sciences, author of \'Born psychology to Rebel'.
- Frans de Waal - An audio interview with the primatologist and author.
- Unlocking the brain's potential - Scientists think they have identified the part of evolutionary psychology the social sciences brain, which if switched off, can stimulate evolutionary psychology artistic genius, social sciences a BBC documentary shows.
- Turning the Tables on the Tabula Rasa By David P. Barash - A detailed commentary on The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial social sciences of Human Nature by Steven Pinker.
- No Nobels, One Failure, a Few Regrets - How did the Genius Sperm-bank Donors Turn Out? - The story of The Repository for Germinal Choice as psychology told by David Plotz in Slate magazine.
- Synaesthesia - Scientists are working to understand just how sensations are experienced and interpreted.
- Human Culture, Human Mind - A discussion about the minds of innovators and psychology whether technological psychology advances are a mixed blessing featuring psychology Howard Gardner and Robert psychology Ornstein.
- Margaret Hagen - Audio interview with an expert on visual perception.
- The Evolutionary Psychology FAQ - Answers to frequently asked questions about evolutionary psychology.
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