Artificial Life Computers
Simulations of group motion in flocks, herds, and schools, along with related phenomena. Includes many links to related applications and research, e.g. Artificial Life.
Top: Computers: Artificial Life
See Also:
- Top/Science/Technology/Cybernetics
- Top/Games/Video Games/Simulation/Life Games
- Top/Games/Video Games/Simulation/Programming Games/Core War
- Top/Science/Math/Applications/Information Theory
- Top/Computers/Artificial Intelligence
- Top/Science/Math/Applications/Complex Systems
- Top/Science/Biology/Theoretical Biology
- Ms Guidance on Artificial Life - Links and resources.
- - Promotes the artificial life community by offering news, discussions, polls, computers software. Free registration.
- CALT Encyclopedia -- Artificial Life - A collection of resources related to artificial artificial life life. Includes a section for social artificial life sciences (social micro-simulation)
- Artificial Life by Jpr - Some of the main alife topics illustrated by computers applets or applications. A link section is computers also available.
- Alife Games - Developer of artificial life worlds as free software artificial life with computers open source code, with the eventual aim artificial life of creating computers true artificial intelligence. Applications include a artificial life dungeon generator written computers in C++, and a shooter artificial life game for Windows.
- ATR - Human Information Processing Research Labs - Home of Tierra, "Robokoneko" (robot child cat) and some of computers the most exciting real world alife work around.
- Artificial Life: Some Collections - Links to new research and emerging issues.
- Geb - Evolving AI-Life - Alastair Channon's artificial life project.
- International Society for Adaptive Behavior - An international scientific society devoted to education and artificial life furthering research on adaptive behavior in animals, animats, artificial life software agents, and robots.
- CALresCo - Complexity and Alife Research and information - CALResCo promotes free world-wide education about Complex Systems
- International Society of Artificial Life - Portal with information on conferences, publications, and activities of the artificial life society.
- Digital Biology - Digital Biology was established in order to conduct artificial life research into, and develop technology based on, artificial artificial life life.
- Artificial Life Links - Erik Max Francis\\' categorized list of links to computers sites regarding artificial life and related fields.
- Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Life - Links to artificial life/intelligence projects, with a collection of links computers including swarming Java applets.
- A-life Links - A list of alife resources compiled by computers Lachlan Cranswick.
- Artificial Life: Links and Literature - Collected by Kerstin Dautenhahn.
- Boids: A Distributed Behavioral Model - Simulations of group motion in flocks, herds, and artificial life schools, along with related phenomena. Includes many links artificial life to related applications and research, e.g. Artificial Life.
- glAnts - A sourceforge project for a combination game and computers simulation that allows interaction with simple artificial ants.
- ISAAC and EINSTein - An AL approach to land warfare. Windows beta software, images and project documentation.
- Aritificial Life FAQ - From the newsgroup
- - A group project exploring living 3D aesthetic worlds.
- Lotus Artificial Life - Contains various java applications related to artificial life.
- EvoWeb - European Network of Excellence in Evolutionary Computing - Information resources for the field of evolutionary computing.
- Alife + - Artificial Life links: research groups, individuals, institutions, resource pages, software - tools, simulation and analysis packages, and bibliographies.
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Frequently Asked Questions
- Artificial Life and Other Experiments - Artificial life and genetic algorithm experiments in java and tcl with free source code; 3D doll pictures and web design experiments.
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