Funeral Customs Death Care
Gives a step by step process of how Japanese take care of their funerals, from the moment of death to after all the ceremonies.
Top: Society: Death: Death Care: Funeral Customs
See Also:
- Top/Society/Folklore/Death and Funeral Customs
- Top/Regional/Asia/India/Society and Culture/Issues/Sati
- Japanese Funeral Style - Gives a step by step process of how Japanese take funeral customs care of their funerals, from the moment of death to funeral customs after all the ceremonies.
- Jewish Funerals, Burial and Mourning - Educational organization providing information and assistance with traditional death Jewish practices funeral customs around death.
- HTC: Death, Funeral, Requiem - Orthodox Christian Traditions, Customs and Practice
- Death and Mourning: A Jewish Perspective - Mazor Guide to the Jewish way - at death care times of death and mourning. Perspectives of the death care three major denominations: Reform, Orthodox, and Conservative.
- Army Mortuary Affairs History Page - with lots of relevant articles
- The Japanese Way of Death: A Funeral in Sapporo - Insightful example of how procedures and funerals take death place.
- Ahavat Israel - Jewish funeral and mourning customs according to Jewish funeral customs Law.
- Funeral Information - An introduction to funerals; service and disposition options, death care etiquette funeral customs and a discussion of Jewish funerals.
- Military Funeral Customs - Arlington National Cemetery - Funeral Customs At Arlington National Cemetery
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