Africa By Region History
H-Net discussion group dedicated to the history and culture of Africa. Features subject overview, thesis abstracts, reviews, bibliographies, essays, links to related resources, and subscription information.
Top: Society: History: By Region: Africa
See Also:
- Top/Regional/Africa/Society and Culture
- Top/Society/Ethnicity/African/African-American/History
- Top/Kids and Teens/School Time/Social Studies/History/By Region/Africa
- Africa Since 1945 - Collection of links from the Internet Modern History by region Sourcebook, by region emphasis on southern Africa.
- H-Africa: African History and Culture - H-Net discussion group dedicated to the history and culture of Africa. Features subject overview, thesis abstracts, reviews, bibliographies, essays, links to related resources, and subscription information.
- BBC World Service - The Story of Africa - An introduction to African history from an African history perspective, with illustrations and sound recordings. Produced by history the BBC World Service.
- Building Bridges to Afrocentrism: A letter to my Egyptological Colleagues - Three-part article by Ann Macy Roth exploring ethnographical issues in africa African history.
- History and Cultural Profiles - An introduction to African history and culture by Kenyan scholar africa Malaika Mutere. From the African Odyssey Interactive project of the africa Kennedy Center.
- Leo Africanus: Description of Timbuktu - Excerpt from 1526 book "The Description of Africa," africa at Washington by region State University history site.
- Exploring Africa - An exhibit of maps and travel narratives from history Leo Africanus africa to Chinua Achebe.
- The Afrocentric Debate Resource Page - Provides resources for those interested in the African-centered historical approach africa and the "Black Athena" debate.
- World History Archives: Africa - Collection of documents on various historical topics.
- Internet African History Sourcebook - Annotated link list (Fordham University).
- African History - Articles covering the range of African history.
- Africa: History Links - African Studies Center links page, University of Pennsylvania.
- WebChron - Africa South of the Sahara - Chronology of African history.
- The Saharan Trade: A Link Between Europe and Africa - Historical examination of Saharan trade routes.
- Africa: The Cradle of Civilization - An interactive educational site that explores Africa\\'s history history from the history dawn of mankind to modern day.
- Life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an African prince - Full text of 1774 autobiographical document of Gronniosaw, of the history city of Barnou.
- Civilizations in Africa - Culture and history resource text learning module.
- Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection - Historical Maps of Africa - Historical maps of regions and countries of Africa africa dated from history 1450 B.C. to 1978. From the africa Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection history at the University of africa Texas.
- Stanford University - Africa South of the Sahara: African History - Annotated directory of links to web resources.
- De West-Indische Compagnie in West Afrika - Introduction to a three-volume history of the Dutch africa West-Indische Compagnie (WIC) on the Gold Coast of africa tropical West-Africa. (1698-1728). English text despite Dutch title africa pages.
- EAWC Chronology: Early Islam - Timeline of early Islamic history.
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