Medicine Science By Topic History
Excerpts from comments made by white doctors on the nature of medical practice among Native Americans. Exhibition from the National Library of Medicine.
Top: Society: History: By Topic: Science: Medicine
See Also:
- Top/Recreation/Antiques/Medical and Scientific
- Top/Society/History/By Topic/Social History/Health
- Top/Arts/Architecture/Building Types/Hospitals and Asylums
- Top/Health/Medicine
Editor's Picks:

- Pictures of Health - Health and public health issues in the 19th medicine century, with science sections on "Health of the Body medicine Politic", "Fever", "War\\'s Cruel science Scythe", "Quacks and Quackery", medicine and "Populate or Perish".
- Mad in America - A history of medical treatments for mental illness, by topic schizophrenia, medicine and other psychiatric disorders, and why those by topic treatments led medicine to the antipsychiatry movement.
- History of the Health Sciences Web Resources - List of links maintained by Patricia Gallagher and Stephen Greenburg by topic for the History of the Health Sciences Section of MLA
- The Origins of Chinese Medicine - A short account by Imre Galambos of the medicine origins of Chinese medical texts (1996).
- History of the Royal College of General Practitioners - Shows establishment of general practice (family medicine) as science a speciality and academic discipline in Great Britain. science Includes background history of general practice, foundation of science the College, history of the College and its science building and detailed chronology
- Global Project on the History of Leprosy - The International Leprosy Association is developing a database of leprosy archives around the world.
- Who Named It? - A biographical dictionary of medical eponyms, i.e. medical conditions and by topic techniques and the people for whom they are named.
- Images from the History of Medicine - Provides access to the thousands of prints and medicine photograph collection of the History of Medicine Division medicine (HMD) of the U.S. National Library of Medicine medicine (NLM). The collection includes portraits, pictures of institutions, medicine caricatures, genre scenes, and grap
- The Birth of the Clinic - Lois Shawver\'s notes on Foucault\'s Birth of the Clinic
- A Short History of Medical Careers - From prehistoric shamanism to the 20th-century specialist. Developed science by students for ThinkQuest.
- Mersenne - UK based discussion list for science, technology and by topic medicine studies
- Health Service Development and History - Current developments in the British NHS, follow up medicine to Geoffrey Rivett's Book, From Cradle to Grave
- The Ascelpion - Features topics about ancient medicine. Contains texts and by topic illustrations.
- Flash-Med:Medicine history and trivia - Medical education resource with facts and trivia about by topic the medicine history of medicine in a question and by topic answer format.
- Prize Microscopes Awarded by the New York Homeopathic Medical College. 1874-1916 - The New York Homeopathic Medical College awarded a prize microscope to the best graduates. This article is about this practice and it describes 5 of these prize microscopes.
- 150 Years of Anesthesia 1846-1996 - Presented by Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University. by topic by topic Articles discuss the impact, people involved, surgery by topic before anesthesia by topic and current developments in the field.
- The Rise of Scientific Medicine - Course notes and presentations from University of Stanford science course which science explores the historical development of cultural science beliefs and institutions in science Western Europe and the science United States during the nineteenth and science early twentieth science centuries which led to the e
- Historical Medical Digital Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia - Title pages, contents pages, indexes, illustrations, and extracts science from the medicine text of many books availabale online.
- In Our Time: Anatomy - BBC Radio 4 discussion of 2,000 years of the study science of human anatomy.
- Phineas Gage - Tells the story of the 19th Century man who survived science severe damage to the brain, and how the accident led science to significant changes in his personality and mood.
- Every Man His Own Doctor - An online exhibit on Popular Medicine in Early by topic America, by topic from Colonial times to the mid 19th by topic Century.
- Spanish American War Medicine - Medical practice in the Spanish American War, primarily science by US medicine Army medical staff and DAR Volunteer science nurses upon US soldiers.
- US 19th-Century Doctors' Thoughts about Native American Medicine - Excerpts from comments made by white doctors on science the nature of medical practice among Native Americans. science Exhibition from the National Library of Medicine.
- ECG Library: A (Not So) Brief History of Electrocardiography - An illustrated timeline from 1600 onwards, including electrocuting chickens (1775) and hypothermic dogs (1953).
- The Anatomists - Describes the development of early surgeons progressing from part-time barbers to skilled medical professionals. Page includes biographies of key historic figures and events that led to the creation of the Anatomy Act.
- History of Anaesthesia - GASMAN - A Personal History of Anaesthesia; A memoir and commentary by English anaesthetist John Powell. It also includes other articles on the History of Anaesthesia.
- Before Depression - A research project by the English departments of the Universities of Northumbria and Sunderland on what depression was before it was called depression (1660-1800). Details of public lectures, a conference, an exhibition and publications.
- The Virtual Laboratory - A platform where historians publish and discuss their research on medicine experimentation in the life sciences, art, and technology. Managed by medicine the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
- PolioHistory - Yahoo Group - A place to share stories and resources about the history medicine of polio; from the epidemics, to the vaccines, to post medicine polio syndrome, to eradication.
- A History of Cardiology - University of Iowa online exhibition from 1990. Traces the interwoven medicine history of medical knowledge and technological advance from Galen\\'s early medicine description of the circulatory system to modern breakthroughs in prevention, medicine diagnosis and treatment
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