Psychology Science By Topic History
Gestalt theory and Gestalt psychology resources - including a Gestalt Theory glossary, brief biographies of the founders of Gestalt Theory, and links.
Top: Society: History: By Topic: Science: Psychology
See Also:
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Psychology
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Psychology/Gestalt
- Top/Society/Philosophy/Philosophy of Mind
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Cognitive Science
Editor's Picks:
Classics in the History of Psychology - Many full texts available online.
- Psychology's Roots - Reviews the history and evolution of psychology from psychology ancient Greece to the present day.
- RETICULUM: Neuroscience History Resources - A gateway to events, associations, opportunities, and Internet psychology resources for history and historians of basic, clinical, psychology and behavioral neuroscience.
- History of the Brain - A timeline of the development of our understanding by topic of psychology the brain, from 4000 B.C. to 2000 by topic A.D.
- Experience and Theory as Determinants of Attitudes toward Mental Representation - Account of an important episode in the development of the by topic Behaviorist movement in psychology.
- Neuroscience History Archives - Based at the UCLA Brain Research Institute. Identifies, by topic collects, by topic and preserves primary source material of twentieth by topic century American by topic neuroscience.
- Leonardo da Vinci's Contributions to Neuroscience - Includes anatomical drawings by Leonardo and extracts from psychology his writings in brain function, plus Medieval and psychology Renaissance diagrams of the brain, its ventricles, and psychology their function in cognition.
- American Psychological Association Historical Database - Searchable by date or keyword.
- The Pre-History of Cognitive Science - An annotated bibliography of the models of human cognition of science Berkeley, Burton, Hobbes, and Locke.
- International Society for the History of the Neurosciences - Dedicated to promoting interest, education and research in science the history of the neurosciences.
- The History of Psychology - From the University of Dayton. Resources on many psychology figures in by topic the history of psychology, and history psychology of psychology trivia.
- European Society for the History of the Human Sciences - ESHHS brings together individuals interested in the history of psychology, anthropology, sociology, economy, and other human sciences.
- Canadian Psychological Association, History & Philosophy of Psychology Section - Information about the section.
- History of Psychology Timeline - A selection of key events in the history of psychology psychology and related fields. Covers from approximately 580 B.C. until psychology 1997.
- John Broadus Watson (1878-1958) - Discusses the psychologist\\'s childhood, university days, work at Johns Hopkins, psychology infidelity scandal, advertising job, farm life and later acknowledgments. Includes psychology copies of original photos of people and manuscripts.
- AmoebaWeb: History of Psychology - Directory of links to history of psychology content. by topic psychology Maintained by Douglas Degelman, Professor of Psychology by topic at Vanguard psychology University of Southern California.
- Chronology of Psychology - Milestones in the treatment of the mentally ill, psychology history of psychological treatments and institutions, and notable psychology persons and publications, from the Middle Ages through psychology 1997.
- The Virtual Laboratory - A resource for the history of the human sciences (especially psychology psychology) and the "experimentalization of life," archiving historical texts psychology and images, as well as new essays. Site is psychology in English, but much of the archived material is in psychology German.
- Squashed Descartes - Condensed edition of Descartes\' \'Meditatione\', with study notes and glossary
- The Max Wertheimer Page - Life and work of the founder of Gestalt Psychology, with by topic Wertheimer links.
- Critical Psychology in South Africa: Looking back and looking forwards - Compares the development of the field of clinical psychology psychology in science South Africa to the rest of psychology the world, as well science as the detachment from psychology political and race relations problems from science 1994 to psychology 2004. Page also describes the development of science psychology the field in general ove
- Important Scientists in the Early Development of Comparative Cognition - Profiles and works of researchers and observers who made important science contributions to the field of comparative animal cognition.
- Hall of Fame : Great Psychologists - Brief biographies of the all time great psychologists psychology and their by topic work, such as background information about psychology Freud, Pavlov, Maslow, by topic and Allport.
- Rudolf Allers - Information about this Catholic disciple of Freud and Adler who science made his own distinctive contributions to psychodynamic theory. Also provides science information on related thinkers Anna Terruwe, Conrad W. Baars, and science Louis Jugnet.
- Forum for History of Human Science - An interest group within the History of Science psychology Society, which psychology brings together historians of economics, anthropology, psychology psychology, sociology, and medicine.
- William James - Information on and readings from pioneering American psychologist science William James.
- Mind and Body: Rene Descartes to William James - By Robert H. Wozniak, Bryn Mawr College.
- Freud: A Socratic Statesman - Discusses Plato and Freud\\'s description of the soul (psyche) in terms of an internal conflict for authority over the individual. Elaborates this into an understanding of internal politics.
- Milestones in the History of Neuroscience. - A detailed timeline running from 4000 B.C. to 1997, plus by topic a list of useful reference works and links.
- Gestalt Theory Resources Center - Gestalt theory and Gestalt psychology resources - including a Gestalt psychology Theory glossary, brief biographies of the founders of Gestalt Theory, psychology and links.
- History & Theory of Psychology - Bulletin board for posting questions and answers about science these topics.
- HISTNEUR-L: The History of Neuroscience Internet Forum - Features announcements, inquiries and discussion on access to by topic historical sources and their use and interpretation.
- American Psychological Association - Society for the History of Psychology - Official site of the APA. Includes contact information psychology for committee members, journal, list of fellows, and psychology selected links.
- Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences - Home page of the longest established print journal by topic in the field, with tables of contents back by topic to 1996.
- Bryce, Peter , Dr. - Pioneered moral treatment of insane in Alabama. by topic 1834-1892
- Psychology, Society, and Ability Testing - Eight chapters describing the rise of standardized testing in animal, science school, vocational, and military settings.
- The Knight Dunlap Page - Information on Knight Dunlap, a significant, but largely forgotten pioneer science of American Psychology.
- HTP Prints - The History and Theory of Psychology eprints archive. by topic Gives by topic access to online versions of articles in by topic these areas. by topic Registered users may also deposit appropriate by topic material.
- History of Psychology (journal) - Home page of the print journal, with information by topic and tables of contents.
- Memorandum - Brazilian e-journal. In Portuguese and English.
- Baars, Conrad, Dr. - Affirmation therapy and the healing of the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. The works of the late Dr. Conrad Baars and Dr. Anna Terruwe.
- Cheiron: International Society for the History of the Social and Behavioral Sciences - Concerned with the history of psychology and related studies. by topic Includes meetings and list of officers.
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