Oklahoma United States Commercial Attractions Haunted Attractions

This category is for sites about attractions located in Oklahoma. Commercial attractions are things like haunted houses, castles, hayrides, and walks in the woods, which are run as a business. They make no serious claim to really be haunted, but offer a thrill.

    Top: Society: Holidays: Halloween: Haunted Attractions: Commercial Attractions: United States: Oklahoma

  • Castle of Muskogee - A Renaissaance Faire that features a haunted castle oklahoma hosting seven different events.
  • Frozen Morgue - Located in Northeastern Oklahoma in the town of Chouteau. Two united states attractions, CarnEvil the Revenge and The Darkness are hosted in united states the same place.
  • Scream Country Haunted Trail - Huanted house and forest attraction. Starring Freddy, Jason, and the Boogeyman. Includes information on tickets, dates, and times. Two miles northeast of Drumright, Oklahoma.

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