Utah United States Commercial Attractions Haunted Attractions

This category is for sites about Halloween attractions located in Utah. Commercial attractions are things like haunted houses, castles, hayrides, and walks in the woods, which are run as a business. They make no serious claim to really be haunted, but offer a thrill.

    Top: Society: Holidays: Halloween: Haunted Attractions: Commercial Attractions: United States: Utah

  • Castle of Chaos Haunted House - Information on an interactive haunted house. With calendar of utah events, coupon, online payment, prices, and photos.
  • Tunnel of Fear - A home-Haunted house, open in October in West Valley City, united states with photos, news, and links.
  • Rocky Point Haunted House - With calendar of events, information on the making utah of this commercial attractions haunted house, coupon, schedule, prices, and utah photos.

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