Washington United States Commercial Attractions Haunted Attractions

This category is for sites about attractions located in Washington. Commercial attractions are things like haunted houses, castles, hayrides, and walks in the woods, which are run as a business. They make no serious claim to really be haunted, but offer a thrill.

    Top: Society: Holidays: Halloween: Haunted Attractions: Commercial Attractions: United States: Washington

  • Fright Factory - Located in Buckley Washington. Includes directions, guide to shows, and previous years' pictures.
  • Dark Hollow Haunted Forest - Brave the dark path through thrilling outdoor and commercial attractions indoor frights. A Halloween tradition. Located in commercial attractions Maple Valley, Washington.
  • Barn of Terror Haunted Attraction - A 10,000 square foot attraction located at the commercial attractions Northwest commercial attractions Washington Lynden Fairgrounds. With directions, hours, costume commercial attractions contest, and commercial attractions ticket information.
  • Nightmare at Beaver Lake - An indoor and outdoor Halloween adventure for families and thrill-seekers. washington Located in Sammamish Washington.

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