Political Correctness Language Issues
Sites concerning efforts to make language conform to some ideology; in particular, to make the English language more "inclusive" and "sensitive."
Top: Society: Issues: Language: Political Correctness
See Also:
- Top/Society/Politics
- Top/Society/Issues/Disabilities/Etiquette
- Top/Society/People/Women/Feminism
- Top/Society/Issues/Human Rights and Liberties/Free Speech
- Principles of Newspeak - The appendix to George Orwell\\'s 1984, analyzing totalitarian political correctness abuses of language.
- Relativistic Patterns in Totalitarian Thinking - An inquiry into the language of Soviet ideology political correctness by Mikhail Epstein.
- Political Correctness - An essay on its nature, origin and impact.
- The Onomastic Cringe - Article by John Derbyshire on the revision of language ethnonymy and political correctness toponymy.
- Camille Paglia on Political Correctness - A libertine/liberal feminist perspective.
- Case Tests City's Speech Ordinance - A Michigan housewife is sent to jail for language using an language ethnic epithet.
- On Freedom of Expression and Campus Speech Codes - A policy statement from the American Association of political correctness University Professors.
- Racial Terms and PC Language - List of various terms for racial minorities as used in different periods and contexts.
- Politically Correct Unix Programming - List of names of programs and terms from Unix and how they would be made politically correct.
- CCCP/PCCC - A satire of "Official Canadian Culture."
- Sensitive Language - A guide to forms of language preferred by "progressives."
- Against the Theory of Sexist Language - Linguistic argument refuting the assumptions behind feminist efforts to reform language the English language.
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