Intentional Communities Lifestyle Choices Society
Provides information and resources for seekers of community, including large directory, classified ads, Communities Magazine, Communities Directory, sale of community-related books and materials.
Top: Society: Lifestyle Choices: Intentional Communities
See Also:
- Top/Computers/Internet/On the Web/Online Communities
- Top/Home/Rural Living/Homesteading
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality
- Top/Society/Activism/In Daily Life
- Top/Science/Environment/Sustainability
- Top/Business/Cooperatives
- Top/Society/Future/Utopias
Editor's Picks:
Global Ecovillage Network

Intentional Communities

- Communal Studies Association - Scholarly group which studies present and past communal societies of lifestyle choices the United States. Includes membership information, fellowships and awards, publications, lifestyle choices conferences, links, and bibliography.
- Managing the Spiritual Neighborhood - A program for creating community in the place intentional communities where society you live, including spirituality, back-to-the-earth civic responsibility, intentional communities and neighborhood society management.
- Federation of Egalitarian Communities - Network of communal (income-sharing) groups in North America, society includes information society about member communities, articles about communal society life, and related resources.
- EcoNomads - "Down to earth nomads in quest of future civilization." Travelogue intentional communities reports on visits to ecovillages, intentional communities, communes, and other intentional communities co-living projects around the world.
- International Communal Studies Association - ICSA - Multidisciplinary, academic organization for scholarly exchange regarding communes, intentional communities intentional intentional communities communities, collective settlements and kibbutz.
- New Liberty Village - Discussion and content about social invention, intentional community, lifestyle choices government, alternative tools and shelter, health, gardening, beliefs, lifestyle choices and dreams.
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