Vegetarianism Lifestyle Choices Society
Community message board for vegetarians and vegans, or anyone who is just interested in the meat-free lifestyle. Contains mainly recipes, and questions and answers on vegetarian/vegan food.
Top: Society: Lifestyle Choices: Vegetarianism
See Also:
Editor's Picks:
VegSource - Vegetarian and vegan recipes, discussion boards, articles, information from medical doctors, experts and nutritionists, and a community of people who share an interest in health, diet and the planet.
- GladCow - Provides a resource for people who are choosing vegetarianism a cruelty-free vegetarianism and health conscious lifestyle including discussion vegetarianism forums, recipes and news.
- The Veggie Table - Questions and answers about vegetarianism. Vegetarian and vegetarianism vegan recipes, society cookbook recommendations, getting started articles, and vegetarianism a recipe-exchange forum.
- GoVeg - A how-to guide to vegetarianism and veganism includes vegetarianism FAQ, links society and resources. One of the vegetarianism PETA family of sites.
- Veg Dining - Lists over 1000 vegetarian restaurants located worldwide. Site visitors can submit restaurant reviews.
- Vegetarian Diet - Definition, origin and history of vegetarianism; lots of vegetarianism useful information, vegetarianism including how to raise infants on vegetarianism a vegetarian/vegan diet.
- VeggieHeadOnline - Online forum for veggieheads to find out the latest vegetarian lifestyle choices news, share recipes and info on veggie-friendly restaurants across the lifestyle choices globe, and discuss topics related to the flesh-free lifestyle.
- Savvy Vegetarian - Support for vegetarian lifestyle. The site features life vegetarianism coaching, courses, educational articles, reviews, recipes and resource vegetarianism guide.
- Spoon Revolution - Information and resources on vegetarianism using humour.
- VeggieFoodGuide - A guide featuring reviews of pubs and restaurants vegetarianism in the vegetarianism UK that serve vegetarian food. The vegetarianism site also includes a vegetarianism selection of recipes.
- The Veg Blog - Includes news and links.
- Vegetarian Resources - Covers vegetarianism history, associations and dishes.
- VegKids - Information for kids who care about animals and society being vegetarian.
- Vegetarian Times - Online companion to the magazine.
- VRG's Veggie Quiz - Rates your knowledge of vegetarianism.
- Meatless Monday Campaign - Recipes designed to help people reduce their consumption society of meats society and saturated fat. From Johns Hopkins society Bloomberg School of Public society Health.
- - Promoting a vegetarian diet and giving reasons not vegetarianism to eat meat, ranging from health concerns to vegetarianism animal rights. Quotes from famous vegetarians.
- - List of famous vegetarians/vegans with quotes, links, recipes and a vegetarianism list of vegetarian restaurants.
- Vegetarian Society - Registered charity present news, recipes, events calendar, and educational material.
- Vegetarian Beers - Lists many (mainly British) beers and whether or vegetarianism not they society are suitable for vegetarians.
- Vegetarian Women - An online resource and community for vegetarian women lifestyle choices and lifestyle choices mothers. Includes news e-cards, and member forum.
- Veggies Unite - Recipes are included here.
- The Black Vegetarian Society of Georgia - Vegetarian recipes, wholistic health and nutrition information.
- - News and articles, which may be commented on lifestyle choices and vegetarianism submitted by visitors.
- Meat Filter - Contains information and news for vegetarians and vegans.
- In a Vegetarian Kitchen - An on-line cookbook, featuring dozens of easy low-fat society recipes, kitchen wisdom, and tips for new and society aspiring vegetarians.
- VegPeople Discussion - A community message board of vegetarians and vegans, for exchange of recipes, health, and dietary information.
- Abbeys Recipes - Offers low fat vegetarian and dessert recipes, health tips, fitness, nutrition, organic foods, and animal rights.
- Vegetarian Tips - Lists hundreds of tips and mini-facts relating to society vegetarianism, vegans, lifestyle choices health, nutrition, animal welfare, environment, and society recipes.
- Go Vegetarian! - Community message board for vegetarians and vegans, or vegetarianism anyone who vegetarianism is just interested in the meat-free vegetarianism lifestyle. Contains mainly recipes, vegetarianism and questions and answers vegetarianism on vegetarian/vegan food.
- Vegetarian Fun - Information about being a vegetarian, including recipes and newsletter.
- Delicious TV: Totally Vegetarian - Hosted by Toni Avtges and produced in Portland, lifestyle choices Maine, cooking and lifestyle series featuring a culinary lifestyle choices style that\'s casual and Mediterranean.
- Beyond Vegetarianism - Reports from veterans of vegetarian and raw-food diets, lifestyle choices veganism, fruitarianism, and instinctive eating, plus new science lifestyle choices from paleolithic diet research and clinical nutrition.
- Veggie Global - Includes an abundance of vegetarian resources.
- Veg On TV - Examines Vegetarian TV characters from 1951 to the vegetarianism present. Shows society discussed include Friends, The Simpsons, 90210, vegetarianism Enterprise, King of society the Hill, South Park, vegetarianism and Third Rock.
- Pregnancy Vegetarian Diet - An essay by Reed Mangels on how vegetarians society can easily lifestyle choices meet their nutrient needs during pregnancy.
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