Gamers Recreation and Sports Women People

An online magazine for gamers, especially women gamers. Plays up gaming news, review, previews and a good measure of girl ummph.

    Top: Society: People: Women: Recreation and Sports: Gamers

See Also:
  • LadyDragon.Com - Game reviews, cheats, and chat. In French and English.
  • - An online magazine for gamers, especially women gamers. gamers Plays up women gaming news, review, previews and a gamers good measure of girl women ummph.
  • - Free online games for women. Includes personality quizzes, women contests and prizes.
  • Live Action Role Playing - This group is dedicated to the Women in women LARPing. Discuss, give advice, relate stories and share women topics that concern women who are GM/ST, writers, women players, cast, techs, and game widows.
  • The Adventuress - We will be bringing you reviews, ramblings and gamers all the gamers news you could ever dream of. gamers Written by Amber Loe.
  • Play Girlz - Gaming weblog geared to women. News, rumors and gamers opinions.
  • Yahoo Groups : Dagger Dames - For ladies who RPG. Any female who wants women to play recreation and sports role-playing games, start an all-female role-playing women group or just talk recreation and sports about RPGs are welcome.
  • Programmer in Black - This site mainly consists of review of adventure games. It women is also just one woman\\'s opinion on those games, so women you may disagree with an individual review.
  • Girl GameZone - Directory of game links and game resources for gamers female gamers, gamers news, reviews, and online community.
  • Game Goddesses - Designed for female gamers offering news, reviews and gamers previews for women the latest console and computer games. gamers Also offers an women online directory of girl gamers gamers, chat rooms, and message boards.
  • Women In Gaming Open Mailing List - This mailing list, open to men and women gamers alike, is women dedicated to the discussion of women gamers in role playing games women - how to get gamers them to play and issues that women they face.
  • Aristasia Friends - Aristasia is a self-defined all-female world with its own spirituality and theology. A serious devotional alternative to patriarchal religions in a friendly, feminine setting.
  • Four Fat Chicks - Well rounded gamers and game reviewers.
  • Girlz Clan - An all-female gaming clan that specializes in Half-Life gamers and Counter-Strike online gaming. Custom skins/ models color gamers sprays.
  • Josie Nutter: Gothy Anime Girl - Just a gamer-geek girl fascinated by the age of technology. recreation and sports Personal information, photos, artwork, video games, freelance web design, gothic recreation and sports fashion, Seattle.
  • Lilitheve - Show about games by women, for women. Message women board, links, recreation and sports and member files.
  • Game Girl Advance - Ezine/ weblog about the politics and culture of gaming.
  • Women Gamers - No-frills, content-heavy website for women who game, which offers reviews, recreation and sports previews, and advice on breaking into the industry.
  • United Female Gamers Forum - Video game industry interviews, news and reviews from gamers a female gamers gamer's point of view.
  • FJK_RPG - FJK stands for Female Jedi Knights. This is recreation and sports women an all women Star Wars Role Playing Game.
  • Psychotic Men Slayers - Xbox live girl gamer\\'s clan. Playing: Rainbow Six women 3, Counter recreation and sports Strike, Splinter Cell: Pandora\\'s Tomorrow, Unreal women Championship, and Return to recreation and sports Castle Wolfenstein and Halo2.
  • Gurlgamer - Female online gamers. Made by gurls, played by gamers gurls. Looking for female experts on any of gamers the games you play to volunteer and join gamers our team and help with news, updates, and gamers other information.
  • BellaOnline: Computer Games - Game reviews, walk throughs, contests, weekly articles and links.
  • Video Game Girl Ring - WebRing (since 96) for girls who play videogames. gamers The ring recreation and sports includes sites dedicated to console and/or gamers arcade games.
  • Frag Dolls - A team of girl gamers put together and women sponsored by Ubisoft.
  • Hot Gamer Girls - A collection of hot girls who play video women games from various clans.
  • Gamer Chicks Rule - Gamer chicks of all genres, Dungeons and Dragons, recreation and sports women LARP, or at home playing WoW.
  • Hazel's Women in Games Page - Informal weblog about women's issues in gaming.
  • Gamer Girls Unite - For girl (women) gamers, many game related features: gamers stories, forum, recreation and sports downloads, reviews, girl gamer of the gamers month, creative ideas.
  • FLAREgamer - A website driven by (mostly) women who enjoy women videogames.
  • Woman of CTW - Members of this Clan come in all flavors. recreation and sports Ages 12 to 50+. Occupations range from student recreation and sports to systems engineers homemakers to auto mechanics worldwide.
  • Female Assassins - Female only game clan with a Myspace page and two women forum sites.
  • - Articles, interviews and guides devoted to action and gamers strategy games.
  • GrrlGamer - Offering reviews, previews, and hardware suggestions for "grrl" gamers.
  • Tribe: Game Girls - Tribe for female gamers and game designers.
  • Open - Smart feminist analysis of games and game theory.
  • Wargaming Women - Vent your frustrations or find a sympathetic ear recreation and sports recreation and sports before you go back out and take on recreation and sports recreation and sports the men at their own game again.

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