New Kadampa Lineages Buddhism Religion and Spirituality
The study of Dharma helps us to find happiness within ourself. Read through the pages in this site to learn more about Dharma.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Lineages: New Kadampa
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Editor's Picks:
New Kadampa Tradition (NKT)

- Meditation & Study Programs - An explanation of the Kadampa Buddhist Education Program new kadampa - new kadampa the General Program, the Foundation Program, and new kadampa the Teacher new kadampa Training Program - offered at Kadampa new kadampa Centers worldwide.
- Find Peace of Mind - This site explains how to achieve happiness through developing peace lineages of mind and the relationship between inner peace and world lineages peace.
- About Dharma - The study of Dharma helps us to find happiness within new kadampa ourself. Read through the pages in this site to learn new kadampa more about Dharma.
- Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche - A brief biography of the meditation master and lineages scholar who lineages brought the New Kadampa tradition to lineages the West.
- International Kadampa Festivals - Offer an opportunity for people of all ages lineages and levels buddhism of experience to enjoy a meaningful lineages holiday. Describes upcoming buddhism Buddhist Festivals worldwide.
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