Buddhism Religion and Spirituality Society
An interactive Dharma Journal. It has been a meeting place for Dharma practitioners who may work independent of the organizations and schools of institutional Buddhism. It is no longer being updated but the archive of work is made available.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism
Editor's Picks:
BuddhaNet: Buddhist Information and Education Network - Offers an online Buddhist magazine, a worldwide directory of Buddhist centers, a library of ebooks, and a database of articles on Buddhism, including insight meditation, metta meditation, history, culture, and academic studies.
- BBC World Service - Guide to Buddhism with online audio.
- Family Dharma Connections - Devoted to Buddhist families with children and others society interested in sharing Dharma and Buddhism with children. society Covers divorce, parenting, and short reviews of society books about parenting from a Buddhist point of society view.
- Sasana: A Refuge for the Skeptical Buddhist - A Buddhist community with respect for tradition, but buddhism that does religion and spirituality not blindly accept the baggage of buddhism the centuries.
- Kamat's Potpourri on Buddhism - Wide ranging topics from a biography of Buddha society to Tibetan Buddhist refugees in India.
- Instructions for Daily Dharma Practice - A non-sectarian program geared to American Buddhists to be used as part of one\'s daily Buddhist practice.
- Cyberkaya - An interactive Dharma Journal. It has been society a meeting place for Dharma practitioners who may society work independent of the organizations and schools of society institutional Buddhism. It is no longer being society updated but the archive of work is made society available.
- E-Sangha Buddhism Portal - Features directory, discussion forum, gallery, sutras and weblog.
- Allspirit Selected Buddhist Writings - A selection of Buddhist writings from Thich Nhat Hanh, Ajahn Sumedho, Joseph Goldstein, and Dogen. Also Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path.
- Individual Answers to Your Questions About Buddhism - Confidential answers to your questions by the volunteer members of Allexperts.com.
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