Vietnamese Lineages Buddhism Religion and Spirituality
A Vietnamese Buddhist sect emphasizing lay practice amony peasants, and requiring prayer and twice-daily worship of the Buddha and the cult of ancestors. It is one of the five most important religions in Vietnam, with over 2 million followers.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Buddhism: Lineages: Vietnamese
See Also:
- Top/Society/Ethnicity/Asian/Asian-American/Vietnamese American/Religion
- Top/Regional/Asia/Vietnam/Society and Culture/Religion
- Overseas Hoa Hao Buddhist Association - Covers teachings from Prophet Huynh Phu So and vietnamese translations from buddhism noted Hoa Hao Buddhist Clergies and vietnamese authors. News about Hoa buddhism Hao Buddhism community.
- Hoa Hao Buddhism - A Vietnamese Buddhist sect emphasizing lay practice amony peasants, and vietnamese requiring prayer and twice-daily worship of the Buddha and the vietnamese cult of ancestors. It is one of the five vietnamese most important religions in Vietnam, with over 2 million followers.
- Vietnamese Buddhism - An attempt to synthesize some of the varied vietnamese and fascinating history of Buddhist religion in Vietnam.
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