Walk-Ins and Starseeds New Age Religion and Spirituality
Walk-in is a term used by Ruth Montgomery for a highly aware entity from the spiritual dimension who, with permission, enters an unwanted adult human body in order to begin its humanitarian work at once by avoiding living the childhood years. A Walk-In experience differs from a spiritual awakening or Near Death Experience in one important way. The experiencer has the perception that their soul, instead of leaving and the body dying, leaves and is replaced by another. A starseed is an individual with strong memories and connections to lives and existences on other planets and in other forms. Many of these individuals, in reference to reincarnation, have not had many incarnations on the earth plane, or have had a life somewhere else very recently.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: New Age: Walk-Ins and Starseeds
- Sirius Temple of Ascension - Assistance from the Sirian Council of 12 including walk-ins and starseeds workshops, attunements and healings, and guidance to ascension.
- The Abbotts - Channellings and information on and for starseeds.
- Extraterrestrial Earth Mission - Collection of articles and transcribed tapes by walk-ins.
- The Starseed Trans-Mission - Discussing energy work, The Great White Brotherhood, starseed testing, and walk-ins and starseeds how to achieve higher consciousness.
- Starseeds Productions - Film production organization dedicated to creating a new series that new age will integrate science fiction and metaphysical truths about starseeds.
- LL Research - Channeled information on spiritual development from extraterrestrial sources. religion and spirituality new age Emphasis on meditation and wanderers.
- Jody's 'ET Phone Home' Page - Articles, book excerpts and personal thoughts on a walk-ins and starseeds variety of subjects of interest to Wanderers, Walk-Ins walk-ins and starseeds and Starpeople.
- Ruth Montgomery Interview - An interview with the author of Strangers Among walk-ins and starseeds walk-ins and starseeds Us, a landmark book about Walk-Ins.
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