Educational Testing

Information on psychological testing and assessment including: finding and obtaining psychological tests, test standards and other guidelines, testing information clearinghouses, and links to other testing-related sites.

    Top: Reference: Education: Educational Testing

See Also:
  • Building Tests to Support Instruction and Accountability - Information from The Commission on Instructionally Supportive Assessment reference concerning best educational testing practices for designing and implementing standardized reference testing.
  • Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing - Addresses professional and technical issues of test development education and use in education, psychology and employment [ordering education information].
  • Collaborative Testing and Test Performance - Presents the results of a study that shows that collaborative testing alone has a significant positive association with test performance.
  • Organizations and Individuals to Contact for Information on Testing - Directory of contact information for the testing industry.
  • Question Base - A free questions editor and tester. The program education must be educational testing downloaded before any questions can be education identified.
  • Test Design - Discussion of the question of how "difficult" should a test reference be?
  • The Testing And Assessment Page For The American Psychological Association (APA) - Information on psychological testing and assessment including: finding education and obtaining psychological tests, test standards and other education guidelines, testing information clearinghouses, and links to other education testing-related sites.
  • National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) - NAEP reports on U.S. student performance with comprehensive educational testing information education about what students at grades 4, 8, educational testing and 12 education know and can do in various educational testing subject areas.
  • Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation - Referreed, full-text on-line journal whose purpose is to educational testing provide education professionals access to relevant articles that educational testing can have a positive impact on assessment, research, educational testing evaluation, and teaching practices.
  • National Assessment Governing Board - Provides specifics on the National Assessment of Educational reference Progress (NAEP) as well as the proposed Voluntary reference National Tests in Reading and Math.
  • Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education - The code states the major obligations to professionals educational testing who develop or use educational tests. The educational testing code is meant to apply broadly to the educational testing use of tests in education (admissions, educational assessment, educational testing educational diagnosis, and student placement).
  • What Do Test Scores in Texas Tell Us? - Rand Corporation\\'s study of the Texas Assessment of reference Academic Skills education (TAAS)test scores in Texas. Includes link reference to Rand Corp. press education release and Rand CEO\'s reference statement.
  • World Class Arena - International initiative designed to identify and assess gifted and talented education students. Devised by the Department for Education and Skills in education the UK. Example questions, online assessments, registration details for schools. education Focuses on mathematics and proble
  • Number 2 Pencil - A psychometrician\\'s weblog devoted to standardized testing. Aimed education at parents, education teachers, and general readers. Includes ideas, education research and news.

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