Supercomputing Computers
National Science Foundation's effort to build and deploy the world's largest distributed infrastructure for open scientific research. Information about partners and funding.
Top: Computers: Supercomputing
Editor's Picks:
The National Center For Supercomputing - Information about supercomputing applications and research in the United States.
- Texas Advanced Computing Center - Provides computing resources to enhance research development capabilities.
- Advanced Simulation and Computing - A United States government initiative to develop simulation capabilities suitable supercomputing for weapons testing. Program details and links to university supercomputing partners.
- Supercomputers - A history of supercomputing.
- The Journal of Supercomputing - Available in print and online. Searchable archives available to computers subscribers.
- - National Science Foundation\\'s effort to build and deploy computers the world\\'s supercomputing largest distributed infrastructure for open scientific computers research. Information about supercomputing partners and funding.
- Standard Interface Methodology - Writing interfaces for the AS/400.
- Scandal Supercomputing Project - Development of a portable environment for programming supercomputers. supercomputing Project information and resources about parallel programming.
- HPCwire - News portal ocvering the high performance computing industry. supercomputing Includes whitepapers, blogs, conference listings and job search.
- A History of Supercomputing at Florida State University - Essay written by Jeff Bauer in early 1991.
- Supercomputing Online - Includes news, analysis, and discussion about supercomputing.
- Advanced Biomedical Computing Center - Facility provides computing support and technology to the scientists of computers the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), computers and extramural biomedical researchers.
- Top 500 Supercomputers - Ranking of supercomputers according to the LINPACK benchmark. supercomputing Links to news articles.
- Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing - Australian computing and communications systems infrastructure. Press releases, description computers of programs.
- Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation - Links to member institutions and published papers.
- ICC at Lawrence Livermore National Lab - Offers current scientific and networking research information.
- Primeur - Monthly newsletter about European high performance computing developments. supercomputing Back issues available.
- National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure - Organization created to develop a national supercomputing infrastructure. computers Links supercomputing to resources, current research projects, and computers outreach programs.
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