Informatics Medicine Health
Centre conducts trials on health solutions and undertakes research and development into critical health conditions. Find a profile, latest news, current research and upcoming events.
Top: Health: Medicine: Informatics
See Also:
- Top/Business/Healthcare
- Top/Computers/Software/Databases/Data Warehousing/Decision Support Tools
- Top/Science/Technology/Cybernetics/K3 - Applied Cybernetics/Medical
- Top/Business/Financial Services/Medical Billing
- Top/Science/Biology/Bioinformatics
- Top/Science/Environment/Biodiversity/Informatics
- Top/Reference/Knowledge Management
- eHealth News EU - A European eHealth News Portal, RSS feeds and news.
- Health Informatics FAQ - Answers to various health informatics questions by Professor medicine Vicki Sauter.
- Medical Informatics (Minfor) - Articles on medical informatics. Links to related literature, health journals and articles.
- The English Integrated Healthcare Records Service - MSc in Healthcare Informatics essay on the planning and procurement health stages of the United Kingdom integrated health record service. References health listed. Author: Gavin Jamie
- e-Health Research Centre - Centre conducts trials on health solutions and undertakes research and development into critical health conditions. Find a profile, latest news, current research and upcoming events.
- DIMDI - German Institute of Medical Documentation and Information - Publishes official medical classifications and maintains medical terminologies, medicine thesauri, nomenclatures and catalogues, develops and operates database-supported medicine information systems for drugs and medical devices and medicine is responsible for a programme of health
- Consumer Health Informatics and Patient Decisionmaking - The study looked at tools that include interactive health computer discs, medicine videotapes, audiotapes, brochures, and computer-generated fact health sheets to help patients medicine make decisions about medical health screening and treatment. According to the medicine study, most health research has looke
- A Soft Systems Methodology Model for Clinical Decision Support Systems - Proposes use of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) as a tool informatics for analysing clinical decision support systems using various models. Authors informatics Lee, P.C.H. and Loo, G.S
- HealthCyberMap - Web-based projects to map health information resources in cyberspace to informatics improve retrieval and navigation. Range of pilot projects and evaluation informatics questionnaire.
- Towards Design Principles for Health Information Systems - Discussion of the semantics of the object of medicine any recording (some view of “reality”) and those medicine of the recording / organising / persisting process medicine itself is distinguished, leading to a number of medicine useful consequences and models. Author: Thomas Beale.[PDF]
- The Medical Algorithms Project - Contains chapters covering all major medical topics. Provides informatics computation, formula, survey, or look-up tables useful informatics in health care.
- The Cornerstones of Medical Informatics - Discusses four areas: structures to represent complex data and knowledge informatics relationships, acquiring and presenting data to lessen overload, managing change informatics to optimize information use and integrating information. Author: Nancy M. informatics Lorenzi in Jnl. Am. Med. In
- Health Informatics World Wide - Comprehensive index of links to medical and nursing informatics.
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