Reference Medicine Health
Offering over 100 in-depth reports on physical and mental diseases and wellness issues. Written by medical writers and reviewed by a board at Harvard Medical School. Some information available free but most requires paid access.
Top: Health: Medicine: Reference
See Also:
- Top/Health/Resources/Professional
- Top/Health/Education/Patient Education
- Top/Reference
- Top/Science/Reference
Editor's Picks:
The National Center for Health Statistics

- Globalrph - Provides drug information, intravenous drug dilution standards and online clinical dosing calculators for health care professionals.
- CDC Health Topics A to Z - A listing of disease and health topics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States.
- My Body - Interactive symptom checker, includes details of some possible health causes.
- OHSU Health - Information for patients and clinicians on aspects of healthcare. reference Includes an index of health topics.
- - A patient-oriented portal for up-to-date health information on medicine fitness, lifestyle, medicine nutrition and health tools.
- Virtual Naval Hospital - A digital library designed to help primary care medicine providers and to help patients associated with naval medicine medical issues. A service of the U.S. Navy medicine Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
- Longevity Healthy Aging Research Group - Information from this Canadian organisation on getting older health and staying reference healthy.
- Health Information Library - Alphabetical listing of health information topics by the medicine Carle Clinic reference and Hospital.
- MedConnect - Information services with a clinical and practical focus for physicians and other health care professionals.
- MerckMedicus - Links to health resources for patients, professionals and reference an online health medical library.
- Ask the Medical Expert - Answers to medical related queries searchable from archives of the reference weekly column.
- NCEMI: Common Simple Emergencies - An online manual with detailed instructions and illustrations medicine on how medicine to treat various everyday medical emergencies.
- Healthsites UK - A portal to medical and health information for medicine patients and medicine doctors. Access medical and NHS healthcare medicine sites plus news, advice medicine and complementary therapy resources.
- Library of the National Medical Society - Links to various journals, online diagnosis, medical textbooks health and atlases. Subscription required.
- MedCalc - A collection of online clinical calculators. Includes ABG, GFR, Fluids medicine and BMI calculations and interpretations.
- Best Evidence Topics - Access to evidence-based medicine topics. Includes a searchable medicine database.
- Mediresource - Information on diseases and conditions, support groups and drug information. health Primarily patient-oriented.
- Predictonline - A testing and awareness site to provide the reference public and medicine healthcare provider with medical information on reference various medical conditions.
- MedPix - Database of medical images including radiology, pathology, and dermatology. Case of the Week with CME for physicians and CNE for nurses.
- - Clinicians review electronic medical information resources available in reference any of medicine the following media: browsable WWW sites, reference downloadable datasets and software medicine or CD-ROMS.
- Virtual Pediatric Hospital - A digital health sciences library at the University of Iowa reference for health care providers and patients.
- - Information on heart disease with surgical data and related resources.
- Doctor NDTV - Information on a variety of health issues from reference medical experts. reference Includes FAQ.
- AskDrWalker - Resources and links to medical information. Includes medical databases, medical search engines, diseases and conditions and useful links for health professionals and patients.
- Medics Travel - Lists hospitals, charities, NGOs and recruitment agencies around the world to help doctors, nurses and medical students plan work and electives overseas.
- - Provides links to free medical and medically-related sites.
- The Doctors Page - Links to patient education materials, medical reference sites health and medical health humor.
- Talk Medical - Offers information on diseases, disorders, medications, parenting, and medicine pregnancy. Also medicine includes a searchable medical dictionary.
- RJ's Medical Directory - A collection of medical links and information categorized medicine by specific reference topics.
- The Homeless Handbook - An online manual designed to assist support workers medicine of homeless and similarly disadvantaged people who find medicine themselves in medically challenging situations.
- Building Better Health - Medical and healthcare information on disease and health improvement topics. reference Includes medical news, clinical research and newsletters.
- The Merck Manual - Online version of The Merck Manual of Diagnosis medicine and Therapy.
- Doctor's Desktop - Tables and charts for practicing medical professionals. It reference also provides an ECG course by e-mail.
- MD Consult - Includes reference books, journal search, practice guidelines, patient medicine education and health drug information. Subscription required, free trial medicine period.
- South African Health Information - Reviewed, evidence-based health information based on the South African health system.
- Centre for Medical Web Research - A virtual centre for researching medical questions on reference the internet.
- Medical Knowledge Base - Offers discussion forums on topics like cancer, AIDS, reference arthritis, hepatitis, medicine healthy nutrition and motivation.
- Well-Connected - Offering over 100 in-depth reports on physical and health mental diseases health and wellness issues. Written by health medical writers and reviewed health by a board at health Harvard Medical School. Some information health available free health but most requires paid access.
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