Complaints Consumer Information Home
Jeremy Dorosin takes on Starbucks. A problem with a wedding gift sparks a website that major newspapers and network TV news have turned into a major consumer backlash.
Top: Home: Consumer Information: Complaints
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- Top/Society/Work/Whistleblowing
- Top/Home/Consumer Information/Advocacy and Protection
- Top/Society/Activism/Anti-Corporation
- Top/Society/Issues/Fraud
- Top/Society/Issues/Business/Allegedly Unethical Firms
- Top/Business/Opportunities/Opposing Views
- Quarles Petroleum Concealment of Oil Spills - Oil spills and resulting lawsuits are described. Contains information those consumer information whose property has been damaged by an incompetent or dishonest consumer information oil dealer.
- JC Penney's Customer Treatment Philosophy - JC Penney sent erroneous report of $2607.93 judgment home for nonpayment complaints of store credit card debt to home credit reporting agencies. Despite complaints collection attorneys admitting error home in May 2000, report still not complaints retracted in home January 2001.
- Retail Ethics - Ken McIsaac complains about unethical retail moneymaking tactics.
- Costco Web Pharmacy Sucks - Claims online prescription service, not affiliated with the retail chain, is overpriced.
- Dell Complaints - Complaints and self-help for customers of this major complaints computer manufacturers.
-'s Bad Business Practices - Includes a consumer complaint about an order for complaints two MP3 players which was filled incorrectly with complaints much cheaper items. History of the complaint and complaints follow up action including other consumers involved with complaints the company.
- Problem with - Full details of a problem with this a purchase of consumer information software from this company.
- Carolina Furniture Ripoff - Customer claims owner of the store is under complaints investigation for complaints fraud in North Carolina and South complaints Carolina. Includes chronological complaints report.
- Losing Face - Account of serious health consequences resulting from facelift, complaints including documented complaints photos, medical records, and diagnostic reports.
- Mr. G's Sucks - Reports plastic restoration service business does not have consumer information a quality guarantee. Includes complaint letters.
- Jvision Image Name Dispute - Object Insight lawyers threatened trademark infringement lawsuit over filenames containing complaints the letters "jvision", such as an unrelated "jvision.gif" image.
- Lakeland Mills - Consumer claims company in Edmore, Michigan makes defective complaints products that cause injury and urges boycott.
- Timbron - Fire Safety Warning - Timbron brand moulding safety warning. This product, made from recycled styrofoam, is sold at Home Depot.
- Warning! Scientific Glass Works of Ambala Cantt, India - A late 1999 purchase is still undelivered in late 2001. consumer information Company does not respond to customer queries.
- Bad Experience with Blue Marble Biking - Tourist on biking tour is bitten by dog, home requires stitches. Company is barred from hotel because home of incident, and in turn bars tourist from home further tours.
- ConsumerAffairs.Com - Offering information for consumers: recalls, scams, complaints, good home guys, and consumer information reports about consumer problems.
- The Short End of The Stick - Compares incomes of top corporate CEO\\'s with those home of entry complaints level employees to document the growing home disparity between rich and complaints poor.
- PoetryNOTcom - Detailed complaints against, a vanity press.
- Traffic Power Sucks - SEO firm allegedly violates a number of ethical consumer information standards.
- Trendwest Collection Practices and Non-Cancelable Contract - Complaints from those who have bought into Trendwest consumer information Resorts\' time-share program.
- Consumer Complaints - Database of consumer complaints and consumer advocacy.
- Reality Click - Promotes customer relationships. Realityclickers can post rant complaints or rave consumer information messages and realityclick will then email complaints the company mentioned and consumer information let them know that complaints there is a posting directed towards consumer information them.
- Bosley Medical Violations - Consumer information regarding the Bosley Medical Group business practices and disciplinary history of L. Lee Bosley.
- The Credit Card Complaint Page - Post and read consumer complaints.
- - A Bad and Ongoing Experience - A report of ongoing troubles with an intransigent service provider.
- Grumbletext - Submit and read opinions and complaints on big corporations in the UK. Site creates news stories based on user contributed content and actively publicises it to the media.
- Blue Cross Don't Pay - Customer describes Blue Cross\'s reasons to avoid paying complaints claims.
- Scandinavian tour operator VING - How worlds biggest tour operator (Airtours) acts when an accident consumer information happens. Actual material form investigation, police reports and correspondence from consumer information VING management told by survivor of bus crash.
- Spectrum Energy - Highlights controversial marketing activities of Spectrum Energy of Bournemouth.
- Screwed Central - Numerous forums for posting consumer complaints and injustices.
- This Is Broken - A project to make companies more aware of complaints their customers\' experiences. Submit your own entry.
- Floramex, Personal Bad Experience - Customer paid for delivery of fresh roses. Roses developed purple spots the next day, and died without ever blossoming.
- Consumer Alerts - A personal list of companies the author has had dealings consumer information with in the past. Includes copies of complaints and correspondence.
- How to Complain to Your Bank and Win - General advice about resolving bank complaints.
- Lies - On April 26, 1999, announced commercial accounts would be consumer information closed after 5 PM on April 27. However, the commercial consumer information accounts were closed immediately.
- Don't Buy from - Details negative buying experiences with DIADA USA, owner home of consumer information and Unigift.
- Infomercial Scams - Provides unedited complaints about many popular infomercial products.
- Knapp Shoes Lies - Customer claims company makes defective products and values home profits over complaints safety. Includes email contact.
- Pebble Creek Apartments, Utica, Michigan - Complaints of a tenant.
- The Torn-Up Credit Card Application - Torn-up application for a Chase MasterCard is taped consumer information together and sent in with a different address consumer information and a cell phone number. Despite Chase\\'s advice consumer information to tear up unwanted applications, Chase accepts application consumer information and sends out a brand new MasterCard.
- Werner: The Big Blue Screw - Criticizes Werner Enterprises. Claims of fraudulent and unethical training.
- Building with Richmond American Homes - An experience in building a new house with Richmond American Homes of VA. Includes pictures, videos, letters, and documents.
- Winnebago Rialta Motorhome RV - Account of problems the author experienced with a complaints purchase.
- My Currys Shopping Experience - Story of a Sony television, purchased in October complaints 2000 at complaints Currys in London.
- What's Wrong at Jiffy Lube? - Vehicle inspector at Dallas, Texas, location did not home follow regulations when performing vehicle inspection, leading to home investigation by Department of Public Safety. Links to home dozens of other webpages reporting issues with Jiffy home Lube.
- Consumer Business & Product Reports - Log a complaint about any product or service. complaints Before making complaints another purchase, search content to see complaints if there are products complaints or services that may complaints have been recalled or should be complaints avoided.
- Enterprise Rent-A-Car is a Failing Enterprise - Enterprise Rent-A-Car didn\\'t honor reservations, didn\\'t have cars complaints ready as complaints stated, rented cars with nearly empty complaints tanks, and charged higher complaints prices to corporate account complaints holder.
- Boycott USPS - US Postal Service denied claims for insured damaged home computer.
- Complaints Board - Consumer news and database of rated complaints submitted by users.
- Starbucked - Consumer Activism is for Everyone - Jeremy Dorosin takes on Starbucks. A problem with complaints a wedding gift sparks a website that major complaints newspapers and network TV news have turned into complaints a major consumer backlash.
- Incompetent Business Practices of NorthAmerican Van Lines and C & D Moving of Danbury, CT - History of complaint and legal actions from early home 2004.
- The Glenn Canady Gorilla Website Marketing Course Review - "Read my experience of Glenn Canady\\'s Gorilla Website home Marketing Course, ABDevelopment, and how I believe I home wasted $8000 with these people."
- Consumers Union Statement about Consumer Distorts - Consumers Union\'s response to now-defunct corporate-backed "Consumer Distorts" home website.
- No XpressPost - Claims that Canada Posts\\' XpressPost insurance policy scams the public complaints due to their bad handling and carelessness with the public\'s complaints mail.
- CompUSA Complaint Forum - A place to add complaints or compliment about consumer information the consumer information products or services of the company.
- I Hate Starbucks - Anti-Starbucks site with a guestbook for visitors to home voice their opinions.
- Computer Geeks Sucks - Customer bought defective CD-MP3 player, was shipped defective home replacement twice, and was charged 15% restocking fee home upon returning last one for refund.
- Warning. 2by2 is a scam. - Explains why you should not buy any of this company\'s products or services.
- Countrywide Home Loan Sucks - Tells a story of unfair business practices with Countrywide Home Loan.
- Fesay's Doors - A Consumer Review - Review of the poor service customer received from Fesay\\'s Doors home and its owner, Don Fecay, located in Michigan.
- The UK Consumer's Complaint List - Forum for consumers to air their complaints and accounts.
- Best Buy Receipt Check - Shopper declines to show register receipt for purchase consumer information to door guard at Lakewood Best Buy, which consumer information is voluntary. Employees attempt to seize cart, stand consumer information in shopper\\'s path, and park a truck behind consumer information shopper\'s car to prevent departure.
- Cruise from Hell - A description of a Norwegian Cruise Lines cruise home with links consumer information to others who went through the home same situations.
- Rude Insulting Bank Employees - Bank employees who are described as stone-faced, unfriendly and unprofessional.
- Consumer Soundoff - A consumer advocate who helps reconcile consumer disputes complaints and problems home with businesses, companies and corporations.
- NPR : Customer Sues Sears over Repair Service - Lawyer Joseph Williams of Baltimore County, Md. sued consumer information Sears complaints when a repairman failed to show up consumer information to fix complaints his dryer at the time Sears consumer information said he would. complaints He won his case, and consumer information received a $1 judgment, complaints but he believes he consumer information sent the company an important complaints message.
- Penn Manor Condominium Problems - Contains photos and list of zoning code violations consumer information of Penn Manor Condominium in Miami Beach, Florida.
- Conscientious Consuming - A resource for people who believe in conscientious consumer information consuming, consumer information whatever their conscience.
- Natwest Bank Fraud - Claims against the illegal and unethical practices of complaints National Westminster Bank, UK.
- The Most Expensive $94 Orbitz Will Ever Make - Orbitz refused to change impossible flight itinerary, and ignored request for refund.
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