Pyrenean Shepherd Herding Group Breeds Dogs

The Pyrenean Shepherd, also known as the Pyrenean Sheepdog, Berger des Pyrénées, Pyrenean Berger, Petit Berger and Little Shepherd, is a herding and guarding dog. It is the traditional working companion of the Great Pyrenees (Pyrenean Mountain Dog). Today the Pyrenean Shepherd herds in the Pyrenees, excels in Agility, and is a loyal companion.

    Top: Recreation: Pets: Dogs: Breeds: Herding Group: Pyrenean Shepherd

  • Lukka - Humorous description of a pet called Lukka.
  • Vedette of the Gloaming - A pet page with photographs and links.
  • Bergeng - Single page of information on the Pyrenean Shepherd pyrenean shepherd Dog.

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