Agriculture Science
Food and Agriculture Organization's agriculture website. Includes a news magazine plus guides and links to information on livestock, biotechnology, land/water development, crop production, plant protection, agricultural support systems.
Top: Science: Agriculture
See Also:
- Top/Science/Biology/Botany/Seed Biology
- Top/Science/Biology
- Top/Science/Technology/Food Science
- Top/Business/Agriculture and Forestry
- Top/Society/Issues/Business/Agriculture
- Agriculture 21 - Food and Agriculture Organization\\'s agriculture website. Includes a news magazine plus guides and links to information on livestock, biotechnology, land/water development, crop production, plant protection, agricultural support systems.
- COST Action 866: Green Care in Agriculture - International co-operative project to increase scientific knowledge on the best way to implement green care in agriculture, through research and working groups.
- EARD InfoSys - European Information System on Agricultural Research website. Links and information science on research on crops, agricultural, and fisheries topics.
- GARDEN-InfoSys+ - Maps the German landscape of agricultural research for development (ARD) science and offers access to German web resources in ARD.
- National Institute of Agricultural Botany - Independent UK body specialising in agriculture, horticulture and science food. It supplies a number of services including science consultancy, training, and technical advice to governments, supra-governmental science agencies, agribusiness and farmers.
- FoodSHIELD - Web-based food defence network designed to enable departments of agriculture and health, as well as laboratories, to communicate and coordinate with their peers in the US and Canada.
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Provides information, research and technology, and policies and programs to agriculture achieve security of the food system, health of the environment agriculture and innovation for growth.
- Urban Agriculture News - News service that provides a review of daily news and agriculture publishes monthly newsletters serving the community of practitioners, developers and agriculture theorists that are planning and practicing agriculture within cities.
- Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog - Luigi Guarino and Jeremy Cherfas aim to include on this agriculture blog, nuggets of information on anything that relates to agrobiodiversity, agriculture and welcome contributions from others.
- EliteFarmer - Collection of PDF files and links, grouped by science sector, providing an agricultural portal for products, services science and information.
- The Small Farm Resource - Aims to disseminate information of use to people science with small farms or rural property. Topics include science aquaculture, beekeeping, livestock, orchard and forage crops, and science pests.
- Resource Centre on Urban Agriculture and Forestry - Provides resources for the integration of agriculture into urban planning. Website holds a number of papers and links to related sites.
- Alternative Agriculture Marketing and Business Practices - AFSIC\\'s overview of marketing and business options for science small-scale agricultural producers covers direct marketing, value-added expertise, science commodity data, regulatory programs, business planning tools, subject science guides and web sites.
- World Agricultural Group - Publishes articles on agriculture and related topics as part of a program for agricultural and environmental education intended to provide basic knowledge about the agro-ecosystem and its management.
- The Earth's Carrying Capacity - Some Literature Reviews - A review spread over hundreds of pages, of the global literature on degradation of soils, crop, grazing and forest lands, and fisheries.
- CIAT: International Center for Tropical Agriculture - Carries out research into agriculture and crops. Details of projects, science regional activities, educational information, project databases.
- U.S. Department of Agriculture - Describes its main functions, and with a collection of links agriculture on current agricultural news and research.
- FieldRobotEvent - The use of autonomous, small robots in agriculture agriculture is expected science to revolutionize field work. Professional, university agriculture or school teams are science invited to enter their agriculture robots for an open-air field contest.
- Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, NAS/NRC - Part of U.S. National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council. Topics on site include animal nutrition, pesticides, and federal funding of agricultural research.
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