Wormholes Black Holes Relativity Physics
Illustrations of White Hole and wormhole geometry, plus a visualization of what the view through a wormhole would look like. One of Andrew Hamilton's excellent pages about visualizing relativity.
Top: Science: Physics: Relativity: Black Holes: Wormholes
- What Exactly Is a "Wormhole"? - Have wormholes been proven to exist or are they still wormholes theoretical? From Scientific American\\'s "Ask the experts", with answers by wormholes Richard F. Holman, William A. Hiscock, and Matt Visser.
- White Holes and Wormholes - Illustrations of White Hole and wormhole geometry, plus wormholes a visualization wormholes of what the view through a wormholes wormhole would look like. wormholes One of Andrew wormholes Hamilton's excellent pages about visualizing relativity.
- Why Wormholes? - Brief article by Matt Visser (Victoria University of black holes Wellington) relativity about why the concept of a wormhole, black holes originally more relativity science fiction than science, has become black holes interesting for serious relativity physicists.
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