United Kingdom Europe Organizations Archaeology
Promotes lectures in the UK, publishes an annual Bulletin and provides travel grants. The lecture programme and Bulletin contents list are online, together with details of the committee and membership.
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Archaeology: Organizations: Europe: United Kingdom
See Also:
Editor's Picks:
Royal Archaeological Institute - A leading national society, interested in all aspects of the archaeological, architectural and landscape history of the British Isles. Council members listed. Publishes the annual 'Archaeological Journal': contents list of recent volumes online. Other pub
- Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies - Publishes \\'Journal of Roman Studies\\' and \\'Britannia\\' and monographs (abstracts europe online). Activities, lectures, grants.
- Association for Environmental Archaeology - For the study of past human interaction with united kingdom the environment through archaeology and related disciplines. Events, united kingdom newsletter, abstracts of its journal 'Environmental Archaeology'.
- British Brick Society - Promotes the study and recording of the archaeology organizations and history europe of bricks, brickmaking and brickwork. Activities, organizations membership application form.
- The Theoretical Archaeology Group - Antiquity Journal host information on this national body which promotes europe debate and discussion of issues in theoretical archaeology. Lists links europe to details of its annual conference.
- South Worcestershire Archaeological Group (SWAG) - Aims to record the archaeological landscape of Worcestershire through earthwork organizations surveys, fieldwork, hedgerow recording and documentary research. SWAG also organizes organizations a program of winter lectures and field trips.
- Historical Metallurgy Society - Forum for exchange of information and research in united kingdom the europe subject. Annual conference. Publishes annual journal Historical united kingdom Metallurgy (contents europe list of all volumes.)
- Medieval Pottery Research Group - For those with an interest in pottery vessels made, traded, and used in Europe between the end of the Roman period and the 16th century. Annual conference. Annual journal Medieval Ceramics (illustrated abstracts of current volume.)
- Association for Industrial Archaeology - Study, preservation and presentation of Britain\\'s Industrial Heritage. Publishes AIA Industrial Archaeology Review: subject index of volumes 1-19 and abstracts of recent volumes online.
- Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology - Conferences, newsletters, international journal \\'Post-Medieval Archaeology\\'. Site hosted europe by the europe CBA.
- Early Materials Forum - An informal organization with an interest in the europe analytical study united kingdom of archaeological and historical materials, , europe including glass, ceramics, metals, united kingdom resins, textiles, stone and europe pigments. Organizers, meetings.
- Society of Antiquaries of London - Founded in 1717. Its elected members are concerned with the united kingdom antiquities and history of the UK and other countries. Information united kingdom on its library, grants, publications.
- The Arbeia Society - Carries out archaeological research and reconstruction archaeology at Arbeia Roman united kingdom Fort, South Shields, UK. Annual conferences are held and regular united kingdom journals and magazines produced.
- Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers - Aims to represent all archaeologists working for local organizations authorities and europe national parks throughout England and Wales. organizations Activities; committees; brief guide europe to archaeology in local organizations government.
- Quaternary Research Association - For archaeologists, botanists, civil engineers, geographers, geologists, soil scientists, zoologists united kingdom and others interested in research on the Quaternary. Most members united kingdom are in Great Britain, but membership extends to most European united kingdom countries, North America,
- Medieval Settlement Research Group - Includes archaeologists, geographers, historians and others interested in united kingdom the subject, meetings, and an annual report.
- British Archaeological Association (BAA) - For the study of archaeology, art and architecture. united kingdom Annual europe conference at an important medieval center, collating united kingdom recent research europe on the major building(s) thereof, published united kingdom as BAA Conference europe Transactions (list of titles online). united kingdom Lecture program, scholarsh
- Archaeological Ceramic Building Materials Group - Discussion list, register of interests, bibliographies, events, paper united kingdom by organizations Kurt Hunter-Mann. Hosted by Brick and Tile united kingdom Services, York.
- United Kingdom Institute for Conservation Archaeology Section - The representative body for professional conservators. Archaeology section organizations officers, news, europe publication list. Online version of \'Guidance organizations for Archaeological Conservation Practice'.
- Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales - Responsible for the National Monuments of Record Wales. europe Databases on archaeological, built and maritime heritage europe of Wales.
- Rescue: The British Archaeological Trust - An independent charitable organization supporting the preservation of united kingdom UK archaeological heritage. Publishes \'Rescue News\': contents list united kingdom online.
- Young Archaeologists' Club - For anyone between the ages of 8-16 with an interest organizations in archaeology. Local branches, magazine, National Archaeology Days, discounts on organizations entrance fees to sites and monuments for YAC members.
- Society for Interdisciplinary Studies - UK-based organization with worldwide membership, interested in radical organizations approaches in organizations the fields of cosmology, geology, catastrophism organizations and ancient history. Publishes organizations the journal \\'Chronology and organizations Catastrophism Review\' (contents of all issues organizations listed online).
- Subterranea Britannica - A society for those interested in man-made and man-used underground organizations space - from deneholes to dug-outs and from souterrains to organizations subways.
- Association for the Study and Preservation of Roman Mosaics - Annual journal Mosaic: contents list of current volume. Project: a complete catalogue of the Roman Mosaics of Britain. News, illustrated articles, book reviews.
- Aerial Archaeological Research Group - A forum for the exchange of ideas and information on aerial archaeology. British based, but has international membership. Bi-annual newsletter, and events.
- Institute of Field Archaeologists - Features an overview of the organization, conference news, europe publications, membership europe services, application forms and subscription costs, europe and a weekly jobs europe bulletin. Located at the europe University of Reading.
- Neolithic Studies Group - Loose-knit group of archaeologists, mainly from Britain and united kingdom the Atlantic seaboard countries of the European Union, united kingdom with an interest in the Neolithic period. Gives united kingdom details of meetings and publications.
- Manchester Ancient Egypt Society - For those interested in Ancient Egypt. Lecture program, europe meetings and europe visits to museums.
- Egypt Exploration Society - Publications, news, excavation reports and contact information concerning europe this British europe Egyptological society.
- Society for Landscape Studies - Holds conferences, seminars and field meetings. Publishes the organizations journal \\'Landscape History\\': abstracts of recent volumes and organizations contents lists of all others.
- Association of Archaeological Illustrators and Surveyors - The professional body for all those concerned with imaging, recording, organizations surveying or presenting the past.
- Society for Medieval Archaeology - Newsletter, research funds administered by the society for organizations which applications can be made, membership fees, brief organizations details of the society\'s journal and monograph series.
- Finds Research Group - Forum for those interested in or researching artefacts from organizations AD700-1700. Conferences, information sheets on different types of artefact (listed).
- Nautical Archaeology Society - Training in Scotland. Page hosted by the University united kingdom of organizations St Andrews.
- Palestine Exploration Fund - Promotes research into the Levant, including its archaeology. organizations Current and past research, events, lecture program, publications, organizations collections and grants.
- Hinckley Field Walking Group - Field walking, archaeology and local history research and europe interpretation group based in Hinckley, south west Leicestershire, europe UK
- Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society - Promotes lectures in the UK, publishes an annual Bulletin and organizations provides travel grants. The lecture programme and Bulletin contents list organizations are online, together with details of the committee and membership.
- British Cave Research Association - A registered charity promoting the study of caves. Organizes a program of meetings including the UK national caving conference and an events diary.
- The Prehistoric Society - Concerned with prehistory world-wide, its membership is drawn europe from many countries. Newsletters online, lectures, events, grants, europe merchandise.
- The Royal Irish Academy - The principal learned society in Ireland: subjects include united kingdom archaeology. europe Staff, committees, awards, conferences, research projects, library united kingdom and publications.
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