Australia Oceania Regional Archaeology

Based at the Australian National University, it aims to promote excellence in world archaeology, quaternary studies, and palaeo-anthropology, through research, teaching and publication.

    Top: Science: Social Sciences: Archaeology: Regional: Oceania: Australia

See Also:
  • Centre for Archaeological Research - Based at the Australian National University, it aims to promote excellence in world archaeology, quaternary studies, and palaeo-anthropology, through research, teaching and publication.
  • Digital Salvation for Aboriginal Art - From BBC, Australia\\'s Aborigines have turned to digital australia technology to oceania preserve their unique rock art for australia future generations.
  • Wreck Challenges Captain Cook - From th BBC, archaeologists say a shipwreck found near Australia\\'s Fraser Island could pre-date Captain Cook\\'s arrival on the eastern coast.
  • Save Dampier Rock Art - International campaign to save the world\\'s largest petroglyph site from destruction.
  • Milparinka Archaeology - Archaeologist Geoff Svenson describes the history and archaeology of sites in outback New South Wales Australia.

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