Archaeobotany Topics Archaeology Social Sciences
Abstract of a review of the archaeological evidence for food plants from the British Isles: an example of the use of the Archaeobotanical Computer Database.
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Archaeology: Topics: Archaeobotany
See Also:
- Top/Science/Biology/Botany/Ethnobotany
- Top/Science/Earth Sciences/Paleontology/Paleobotany
- Top/Science/Earth Sciences/Quaternary Studies/Quaternary Paleoecology
- Procedures to Recover Archaeobotanical Remains - Paper on bucket flotation procedures to recover archaeobotanical remains by Cheryl Ward, Ph.D.
- Date Stones in Archaeology - Archaeology of Date Stones
- Archaeobotany - Instructional material for a one hour archaeobotany lesson archaeobotany from the archaeology University of North Carolina.
- Ancient Gardening - An investigation of the plants and methods in archaeobotany gardening from archaeobotany 10,000 B.C.E. to 1700 C.E.
- The Dung File - Organized list of references dealing with pollen, parasites, topics and plant remains in coprolites and latrine fills topics from archaeological and palaeoenvironmental sites.
- Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - The official organ of the International Work Group archaeobotany for Palaeoethnobotany covers the entire field of vegetation archaeobotany history - mainly the development of flora and archaeobotany vegetation during the Holocene and Pleistocene.
- Recent Palaeoethnobotanical Research at Scowlitz - Talk presented to the Archaeological Society of British Columbia, at topics Vancouver, BC, April 12, 2000 by Natasha Lyons.
- International Work Group for Palaeoethnobotany - Report on the history of the group and the 1998 topics meeting.
- Archaeobotanical Lab-Bar Ilan University - Profiles of the laboratory and selected studies including Ashkelton, Atlit-Yam, Netiv Hagdud, Gesher Benot Ya\\'agov, Ohalo II, and a computerized key of grass grains.
- Florida Museum of Natural History: Archaeobotany Collection - These collections house plant remains primarily from the archaeology southeastern United archaeobotany States and the circum Caribbean region, archaeology and include both prehistoric archaeobotany and historic period sites.
- Archaeobotanical Reports from Central Asia - Bibliographies compiled by Naomi Miller.
- Review of Food Plants from the British Isles - Abstract of a review of the archaeological evidence for food archaeology plants from the British Isles: an example of the use archaeology of the Archaeobotanical Computer Database.
- Archaeobotanical Reports from Iran - Bibliographies compiled by Naomi Miller.
- Çatalhöyük Archaeobotany Report 1999 - Report detailing the methods and results of archaeolobotanical archaeology analysis at this site.
- Ethnobotany and Paleoethnobotany Bibliography - Compiled by Michael A. Pfeiffer.
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