Economics Social Sciences
IFC is a member of the World Bank Group. It finances and provides advice for private sector ventures and projects in developing countries in partnership with private investors and, through its advisory work, helps governments create conditions that stim
Top: Science: Social Sciences: Economics
See Also:
- Top/Science/Math/Applications/Mathematical Economics and Financial Mathematics
- Top/Society/Organizations/Local Currency Systems
- Economics at - Offers feature articles, links, and glossary.
- Economical Links - A search engine for working papers in economics science plus links social sciences to sites related to economics and science finance.
- AEAweb - Information for economists provided by the American science Economic Association. social sciences Includes electronic editions of the American science Economic Review, the Journal social sciences of Economic Literature and science the Journal of Economic Perspectives as social sciences well as science the internet guide Resources fo
- Dismal Scientist, The - - Provides economic analysis, financial outlook, and global data.
- David Smith's EconomicsUK - The Economics Editor of The Sunday Times. Containing science among other science items, an article archive, research section, science UK policy watch, and science a questions and answers science forum.
- The International Finance Corporation - IFC is a member of the World Bank social sciences Group. It finances and provides advice for private social sciences sector ventures and projects in developing countries in social sciences partnership with private investors and, through its advisory social sciences work, helps governments create conditions that social sciences stim
- NetEc - A collection of networking projects for academic science Economics.
- Econoday - Economic calendar covering events such as US Treasury social sciences announcements, economic indicators and international banking holidays
- WebEc - WWW resources in economics listed as part of science the WWW Virtual Library.
- Resources for Economists on the Internet (RFE) - Extensive guide of economics-related information on the web. science Sponsored by the American Economics Association and edited science by Bill Goffe.
- Library of Economics and Liberty - Provides concise encyclopedia, classic texts, articles, and data links by social sciences topic.
- Economics in the news - Provides links to hundreds of articles appearing in science the popular press and relating economics to everyday science life.
- CyberEconomics - Online tutorials covering both microeconomics and macroeconomics.
- Links to News Articles - Provides a listing of articles from the popular press with science questions relevant to the study of introductory economics and listing science of relevant themes from popular textbooks.
- Models of the Economy - Provides essays about and software for forecasting the economy through science the use of financial and macroeconomic models.
- Economics, Money, and Fun - Links to Economics Lecture Notes, GAUSS,MATLAB Codes, Data, social sciences Economics journals, Economists, Economics Textbooks, Education, Stock Market social sciences Information and Investors Groups
- Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World (EDIRC) - Listing maintained by Christian Zimmermann of the University of Connecticut
- Technology Review - The Economics of Brains - Article discusses neuroeconomics: brain research economics informing economics.
- Job Openings for Economists (JOE) - Published every month except January and July. The online version science is generally available on the 5th of the month. science Provided by the American Economic Association. Listings are alphabetical science and by institution that is offering the position(s).
- ArgMax - Economics news, economists\' web sites, data and link economics collection.
- MIGA - The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) is a social sciences member social sciences of the World Bank Group. Its purpose social sciences is to social sciences facilitate the flow of foreign direct social sciences investment to its social sciences developing member countries through the social sciences provision of investment guarantees social sciences against political
- - Web portal for news, data, and analysis on science the world\\'s science economies, industry status, and related topics. science Includes online databases of science economic and financial time science series, The Dismal Scientist economics pages, science and online science shopping for Dismal Scientist souvenir
- McMaster University Archive for the History of Economic Thought - An attempt to collect in one place a large number science of significant texts in the history of economic thought. science Listed by author.
- IDEAS - A central index of economics working papers.
- Council of Economic Advisers - A three member council that analyzes and interprets economic developments economics and advises the President of the United States on national economics economic policy. Publishes Economic Report of the President, Monthly Economic economics Indicators and other analysis and data.
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