Church-State Relations Issues Society
A list of legal reference documents and form letters that witches can use in their local fights for religious freedom. Includes references for Australia, Canada, the United States, and a few individual states.
Top: Society: Issues: Church-State Relations
See Also:
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Opposing Views
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Religious Tolerance
- Top/Society/Issues/Race-Ethnic-Religious Relations/Religion
Editor's Picks:
J. M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies, Baylor University - Site focused on church-state relations in the United States and around the world. Back issues of the Institute's "Journal of Church and State" are available for browsing. Also includes a list of links to online resources, including primary sou
- Doctrinal Errors of Dignitatis Humanae, The - A group of self-described traditional Catholics take issue with the Second Vatican Council\'s teachings on religious freedom.
- Godless Americans Political Action Committee - The non-believer PAC that grew out of the 2002 "Godless Americans March on Washington" informs about activities and history.
- Witches' Voice White Pages, The - A list of legal reference documents and form issues letters issues that witches can use in their issues local fights for religious issues freedom. Includes references issues for Australia, Canada, the United States, issues and a issues few individual states.
- Religion, Politics, and the State - Subtitled "Cross-Cultural Observations", an article by N.J. Demerath society and Karen society S. Straight in Cross Currents that society discusses various religion-state models society in "Eastern" and "Western" society countries.
- Earth Religions Assistance Pages - Index of resources for practitioners of Earth Religions who are experiencing religious discrimination.
- Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights - Fights anti-Catholicism and is the U.S.\\'s largest Catholic society civil rights organization. Web site contains articles society on conflicts between government and the Catholic Church society and/or individual Catholics.
- Lady Liberty League - A national and global referral and information exchange society network of issues Pagan religious freedom activists.
- Nonbeliever Antidiscrimination Project - Discusses theistic oaths for public office holders, mandated society participation in society religious substance abuse programs, Boy Scouts society of America policy mandating society theistic oath and statement society of religious principle, and veterans\\' organizations society religious membership society r
- National Committee For Amish Religious Freedom - Founded in 1967 at the University of Chicago society for the purpose of preserving the religious liberty society of the Old Order Amish (and related Anabaptist society groups, including Mennonites) -- and hence religious liberty society for all.
- Church-State Academic Papers - Political science papers dealing with the relationship of issues church and issues state, and religious liberty.
- First Amendment Religion: The Intent of Our Founding Fathers - A paper that discusses and analyzes the thoughts of the society founding fathers upon drafting the First Amendment's freedom of religion.
- Biblical Theocracy - A book which presents theocracy as a biblically issues sound form of Christian politics. Distinguishes between issues theocracy (the rule of God) and ecclesiocracy (the issues rule of the church).
- Church, State, Rock and Roll - A monthly update on state and federal litigation concerning the church-state relations First Amendment's religion clauses.
- Children's Healthcare Is a Legal Duty - CHILD is a nonprofit US organization fighting religion-based church-state relations medical neglect. Includes case histories of children who church-state relations died after receiving faith-based healing instead of medical church-state relations care, examples of religious exemptions to public-health church-state relations regulations, and le
- Religion and Politics - Interesting essay which clarifies the difference between "the issues question of religion and politics" and "the question issues of church and state".
- Advocates International - Justice with Compassion - World-wide non-profit organization based in Fairfax, Virginia that society deals with issues of religious freedom around the society world.
- International Coalition for Religious Freedom - A non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending issues the religious society freedom of all, regardless of creed, issues gender or ethnic origin.
- No to Political Islam, Yes to Human Rights - An online petition to oppose Political Islam, its issues agenda, and church-state relations its barbaric interpretation of Sharia law.
- The Religious Liberty Archive - An extensive repository of laws, cases, news, and historical materials pertaining to religious freedom in the United States.
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