Transportation Issues Society
"Founded in 1978, CNT develops creative strategies for making cities and their surrounding areas work for everyone, environmentally and economically". Transport and sustainable development.
Top: Society: Issues: Transportation
See Also:
- Top/Society/Issues/Environment/Growth and Sprawl
- Top/Science/Technology/Transportation
- Top/Business/Transportation and Logistics
- Top/Science/Social Sciences/Urban and Regional Planning
- Top/Science/Technology/Energy/Transportation
Editor's Picks:
Operation Lifesaver Inc. - A nationwide, non-profit public information program dedicated to reducing collisions, injuries and fatalities at highway-rail crossings and on railroad rights-of-way.
- WALK Austin - Organizes citizen support for increased use and safety of pedestrian facilities.
- Institute of Transportation Studies - Transportation studies at University of California-Berkeley and the other campuses in the UC system.
- National Lift Share Day - Raising awareness of car sharing as a viable form of issues transport. Includes maps and information on car sharing, traffic and issues public transportation.
- Urban Mobility Study - An annual statistical report on the extent and issues performance of society the roadway systems in 68 U.S. issues cities, with data from society several decades.
- Bad Subjects: Traffic - Political commentary on modern transportation issues.
- TransOptions - A non-profit transportation group servicing Northern New Jersey. issues Includes transportation commuter options, information, partner companies and issues special projects.
- TRIS Online - Transportation Research Information Services Online, a database produced and maintained society by the USDOT Bureau of Transportation and the Transportation Research society Board at the National Academy of Sciences.
- Wendell Cox Consultancy and The Public Purpose - Works to facilitate the ideal of government as the servant of the people by identifying and implementing strategies to achieve public purposes at a cost that is no higher than necessary. Emphasis is on transportation issues.
- Metropolitan Travel Survey Archive - A collection of travel and trip surveys compiled issues by the transportation University of Minnesota.
- Centre for Independent Transport (CILT) - A research and resource unit concerned with socially issues and environmentally issues sustainable urban transport. Includes their issues work, publications, a magazine, issues links and contact information.
- Center for Neighborhood Technology - "Founded in 1978, CNT develops creative strategies for issues making cities and their surrounding areas work for issues everyone, environmentally and economically". Transport and sustainable development.
- Innovative Finance Clearinghouse - Clearinghouse provides finance information about surface-transportation techniques, programs transportation and practices, and events and trends in the transportation industry.
- NAS/NRC Reports: Transportation - Online access to topical reports by the National Academy of issues Sciences and National Research Council.
- Transportation Research Board - Promotes innovation and progress in transportation through issues research. transportation The Board fulfills this mission issues through the work of transportation some 200 standing issues technical committees and task forces transportation that address issues all modes and aspects of transportation.
- Community Transportation Association of America - Includes federal and legislative updates, magazine, employment opportunities, transportation current programs and articles.
- TransAct - Collection of information and society resources about issues making communities society more livable issues and helping society the environment through innovative issues society transportation projects and initiatives.
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