Management Information Systems Management Science
is a professional organization whose purpose is to serve as the premier global organization for academicians specializing in Information Systems.
Top: Business: Management: Management Science: Management Information Systems
See Also:
- IFIP -- International Federation for Information Processing - a non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organization for national societies management information systems management information systems working in the field of information processing.
- Extended DISC - Dominance, influence, submissive and compliance profiling tool for personnel management.
- The bitter Network Administrator - A website dedicated to IT Professional and some not so Professional.
- Integrated Information Systems and their impact on the work of managers - Discusses models of the impact of Information Systems on the management information systems work of managers. Links to case study material from management information systems eight companies.
- Information Systems Ethics - Course homepage at MSU.
- Global Information Technology - a broad domain that is also known as management science "Global IT Management" and "International Information management science Systems".
- Auldenfire Group - Enterprise Systems Architecture Laboratory providing resources to organizations management interested in management information systems applying architectural frameworks. Services offered include management consulting, education, and curriculum management information systems development.
- 2000 Mid Year IT Salary Survey - draws on data collected throughout the year by internet-based and completed survey forms sent to businesses in Southern California as well as throughout the United States and Canada.
- SIM -- The Society for Information Management - The international meeting place for IT executives management around the world.
- Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS) - Agent-Orientation is emerging as a potentially powerful new management science paradigm in computing. The site features articles and management science information on international workshops.
- Business Forms Management Association - Forms central for the global forms and information management science systems community
- Object Technology Curriculum Issues - Below are responses received with regard to the management four original management information systems questions of the survey on current management status and future management information systems directions of OO curricula management in schools of business. By Dr. management information systems Richard A. management Johnson.
- Enterprise Architecture Toolbox - Management resources for enterprise projects, offering how-to workbooks, project plans and planning guides, tools, templates and checklists.
- Interneer - Operations management enterprise software focused on the utilities and engineering industries. Demos, brochures, events, and product information.
- 2001 MIS Faculty Offer Survey - Maintained by Dennis Galletta.
- AIS -- Association for Information Systems - is a professional organization whose purpose is to management science serve as the premier global organization for management science academicians specializing in Information Systems.
- IRMA -- Information Resources Management Association - A not-for-profit, vendor-independent, international professional organization dedicated to advancing the management concepts and practices of information resources management in modern organizations.
- Virtual Meeting Center - to use and evaluate online meeting technologies.
- The Journal of Virtual Environments - Research articles, essays and comments about Virtual Environments.
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